Where was i being condescending?Why resort to being condescending? I know full well how their net worth is calculated.
My point is that Elon is nothing special in the grand scheme of things. He's a good salesman and manipulator. We need less of those kinds of people having extreme wealth.
The issues you listed are directly a consequence of the greed by those at the top (in fact a lot of the world's problems are due to that).
I would advocate for legislation enforcing fair and reasonable profit share/renumeration throughout all large companies. No more executives/owners disproportionately taking immensely more money than those they employ. Obviously positions that require better education and skills would have a higher salary. No problem with that. Its the massive gulf that is the problem.
A consequence of greed? No...
They come before greed. People have the ability to be greedy due to those large scale economic problems in our world. Remove them and people won't have the ability to be greedy, or less greedy