The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Are they worse than other warehouse jobs, or better? What's the pay like compared to the market rate? I ask you because I actually looked myself and the pay actually looked decent for the work. It's just people like you read one story and it's now gospel without you doing any basic research yourself. Also, Amazon tracks metrics on how many breaks people have etc, mostly this is done so they can have a good idea of how many staff they need to get their work done, it gives them productivity stats so they can forecast how many people need they need based on work volumes. This is basically evil if you work in the media and want to portray Amazon in a bad light, even though hundreds of employers do this that handle large work loads and have time scales to achieve.
Do you actually know anyone that works in an amazon factory or just based in what you read online?

I do, I know a large group of people that work at the UK weybridge factory. What you described is not a reality
But he didn't say he wanted workers to live at the factory, he was commenting on Chinese attitudes to work vs American, he didn't say he supported either attitude. You can quote sentences but you don't seem to understand words.

He did personally sleep at the factory during the launch of one of the first Tesla's because he wanted to show the people doing the actual work on the floor that he wasn't just some CEO sat in a distant office, he was as invested as they were. Is that a bad thing? People on here are so ******* bitter.

Chinese attitudes to work? Do you think they enjoy working like this? Would you? Its not a choice, they have no protections like they would in the US or Europe. If they enjoy it so much suicide nets wouldn't be required would they. Musk doesn't give a damn about the actual workers at this level, he just cares about the work getting done, same with Bezos. Are these really the kind of people you admire for their humanity? You said earlier in this thread they "contributed massively to the success of humans and our development". They have contributed massively to capitalism and pushed the limits of what is considered ethical and its paid off for them and I'm sure the higher management positions, those at the bottom of their food chain probably not so much.
Chinese attitudes to work? Do you think they enjoy working like this? Would you? Its not a choice, they have no protections like they would in the US or Europe. If they enjoy it so much suicide nets wouldn't be required would they. Musk doesn't give a damn about the actual workers at this level, he just cares about the work getting done, same with Bezos. Are these really the kind of people you admire for their humanity? You said earlier in this thread they "contributed massively to the success of humans and our development". They have contributed massively to capitalism and pushed the limits of what is considered ethical and its paid off for them and I'm sure the higher management positions, those at the bottom of their food chain probably not so much.
Just like the foxconn factory that makes iphones.
Suicide rates have been high for years there.
Chinese attitudes to work? Do you think they enjoy working like this? Would you? Its not a choice, they have no protections like they would in the US or Europe. If they enjoy it so much suicide nets wouldn't be required would they. Musk doesn't give a damn about the actual workers at this level, he just cares about the work getting done, same with Bezos. Are these really the kind of people you admire for their humanity? You said earlier in this thread they "contributed massively to the success of humans and our development". They have contributed massively to capitalism and pushed the limits of what is considered ethical and its paid off for them and I'm sure the higher management positions, those at the bottom of their food chain probably not so much.

I'd like a few hours to go through your possessions and receipts to see how much your abhorrence of the Chinese system has affected your purchases ;) I do my best to avoid Chinese products, not because I give a damn on their working conditions, but because i personally think they let the virus loose, then tried to cover it up with their pocketed mates in the WHO.
Just like the foxconn factory that makes iphones.
Suicide rates have been high for years there.

Exactly. Roar makes it sound like they enjoy working in these conditions. Home life or any quality of life? Pah, get working and if you don't like it there is a rooftop over there where there are no nets. We have to keep the $b rolling in for these tech giants, those ivory back scratches don't pay for themselves.

I can see Roar in the 1930s arguing for the continuation of the workhouses.
I'd like a few hours to go through your possessions and receipts to see how much your abhorrence of the Chinese system has affected your purchases ;) I do my best to avoid Chinese products, not because I give a damn on their working conditions, but because i personally think they let the virus loose, then tried to cover it up with their pocketed mates in the WHO.

I've already said I'm a hypocrite a page or 2 back. Yes I own tech made in China, yes I use Amazon on a weekly basis, But I'm not claiming these business owners are "contributed massively to the success of humans and our development" though am I. I know what they are and how they operate. Holding them up as figures to be admired and hero worshiped it laughable. As this thread is about Musk and Twitter, he has shown himself time and time again to be one of the last people that should have that much power over one of the worlds most powerful social media companies. He is without doubt a genius in business and engineering but emotionally he is a man child.

Oh please I've no interest in any China virus crap. There are no end of reasons to dislike the CCP but that isn't one that should be high on the list.

Be interested to know how you are accessing this thread if you avoid products made in China? Considering just about every bit of tech likely contains some components made there.
I've already said I'm a hypocrite a page or 2 back. Yes I own tech made in China, yes I use Amazon on a weekly basis, But I'm not claiming these business owners are "contributed massively to the success of humans and our development" though am I. I know what they are and how they operate. Holding them up as figures to be admired and hero worshiped it laughable. As this thread is about Musk and Twitter, he has shown himself time and time again to be one of the last people that should have that much power over one of the worlds most powerful social media companies. He is without doubt a genius in business and engineering but emotionally he is a man child.

Oh please I've no interest in any China virus crap. There are no end of reasons to dislike the CCP but that isn't one that should be high on the list.

Be interested to know how you are accessing this thread if you avoid products made in China? Considering just about every bit of tech likely contains some components made there.
I own a MG car so i have no room to complain, but i do:D
Chinese attitudes to work? Do you think they enjoy working like this? Would you? Its not a choice, they have no protections like they would in the US or Europe. If they enjoy it so much suicide nets wouldn't be required would they. Musk doesn't give a damn about the actual workers at this level, he just cares about the work getting done, same with Bezos. Are these really the kind of people you admire for their humanity? You said earlier in this thread they "contributed massively to the success of humans and our development". They have contributed massively to capitalism and pushed the limits of what is considered ethical and its paid off for them and I'm sure the higher management positions, those at the bottom of their food chain probably not so much.

I'm not passing judgement, I'm telling you what he said lol. I didn't say anyone enjoyed it. Chinese people work much harder than Americans. Isn't that what he said? Is he wrong for saying that? You seem to be looking to attach malice to pretty much basic statements of fact. Then you go on to infer judgements about his morals, he doesn't apparently give a damn about people, man who sleeps at his factory and works all night to show his workers he's right there with them during difficult periods. Bore offfff. If you want to hate on Musk because he's a billionaire, at least have the guts to admit that's the reason, it's fine to be honest.
No you misunderstood. Sleeping at your own multi billion dollar making factory and working through the night is not a sign that he respects his workers. Its a sign he likes work and money.

He doesn't even own a house, he basically just works to make his companies successful. Do you think he even views what he's doing as "work"? It's just his life.
It's called an exemplary work ethic to those who are not furtling on the edge of communism ;)

Imagine ******** on this guy as if he just won the lottery and is sitting on a yacht every day when he's actually working 80-100 hours every week. I wouldn't choose his life, but to say he doesn't deserve his success or he's "nothing special" HAHAHAHA
Chinese work ethic.....they sleep at their desks during the day and half their lengthy hours are made up of evenings spent browsing the net and chatting with their mates rather than going back to the shoebox apartment they share with 4 generations of family.
, man who sleeps at his factory and works all night to show his workers he's right there with them during difficult periods. Bore offfff
Just to be sure I understand this, you're saying at a time when he needed to get his workers to put in extra hours, he stayed and worked with them so that they had no choice but to do extra hours?

Do you work in a position where you have a boss? Do you know what it's like to have the boss stand by you? It doesn't encourage fun, great, friendly work environment, it creates, no time to breath, must work 200 percent, environment.

Good on Elon, but have the guts to admit that you're praising a guy that uses technics to force the lowest paid workers to work more hours than they would, while being pally with them as he is the only one who benefits from those extra hours.

I imagine those staff, being forced to put more hours in, would rather he just hired another 10 members, rather than stand beside them, "encouraging" them to work into the night.

It's a genius move. Saves Elon from hiring more, and gets the staff to have to work. We'll played from Elon. I imagine he'd love to have someone like you working for him. Forces you to put extra hours into the night, and you praise him for standing beside you when he does that.

I imagine you must also be praising him as those staff got to do extra hours while they are struggling to pay their bills. Just what they needed. More hours so that they can afford to live. "The kids can make their own way home, make their own tea, daddy Elon is giving us over time tonight. Rent will be paid this month. Much generous. Such a helpful man"

Next you'll be telling us how generous he is because he buys the team pizza on the last Friday of the month out of his own pocket.

And before you go dismissing the comments as lefty hating on Elon.

For the most part I don't mind him, liked him a lot more a few years ago. A little less each day lately unfortunately since he went with this stupid twitter idea. I made money thanks from his tweets, and hope to again in future. Long live the messiah that is Elon. I also (before Boris) have always liked the Conservative government, though voted lib Dems, I've been as happy with cons as I could be (until Boris)
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Just to be sure I understand this, you're saying at a time when he needed to get his workers to put in extra hours, he stayed and worked with them so that they had no choice but to do extra hours?

Do you work in a position where you have a boss? Do you know what it's like to have the boss stand by you? It doesn't encourage fun, great, friendly work environment, it creates, no time to breath, must work 200 percent, environment.

Good on Elon, but have the guts to admit that you're praising a guy that uses technics to force the lowest paid workers to work more hours than they would, while being pally with them as he is the only one who benefits from those extra hours.

I imagine those staff, being forced to put more hours in, would rather he just hired another 10 members, rather than stand beside them, "encouraging" them to work into the night.

It's a genius move. Saves Elon from hiring more, and gets the staff to have to work. We'll played from Elon. I imagine he'd love to have someone like you working for him. Forces you to put extra hours into the night, and you praise him for standing beside you when he does that.

I imagine you must also be praising him as those staff got to do extra hours while they are struggling to pay their bills. Just what they needed. More hours so that they can afford to live. "The kids can make their own way home, make their own tea, daddy Elon is giving us over time tonight. Rent will be paid this month. Much generous. Such a helpful man"

Next you'll be telling us how generous he is because he buys the team pizza on the last Friday of the month out of his own pocket.

And before you go dismissing the comments as lefty hating on Elon.

For the most part I don't mind him, liked him a lot more a few years ago. A little less each day lately unfortunately since he went with this stupid twitter idea. I made money thanks from his tweets, and hope to again in future. Long live the messiah that is Elon. I also (before Boris) have always liked the Conservative government, though voted lib Dems, I've been as happy with cons as I could be (until Boris)

why have you ignored my post? why are you starting a new conversation before finishing the other?
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