Brand and Gates aren't even playing the same sport, let alone the same game. Gates was the richest man in the world for a good period of time. He likely still owns billions in stocks but as he got older he clearly got bored and decided he could do a lot of good with a chuck of his wealth and I would imagine gets a lot of pleasure from helping those less fortunate around the world. He is still mega rich though.
Brand is a comic and bad actor. His thing is he can't shut up. He tried his hardest to do the Hollywood thing but he can't act and he was just cast as the same character again and again until everyone got bored. Then there is his crazy conspiracy theories that no movie company wants near their products. So now he makes MONEY on Youtube because that is all he has left, I would imagine he does speaking events for the CT crowd as well.
Wow when did Elon tell you this Roar? You know so much about the inner Elon and what his motivations are, you must be really tight with him
Of course he was motivated by money, he is a capitalist through and through. You think he sold huge chucks of his Tesla stock when it was at its peak because he doesn't care about the money? Stock he said he wouldn't sell, his money was going to be the last out after all.