The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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It's not really me, I just take a passing interest in this stuff, it's pretty obvious the big guy is taking bribes though and this was covered up. No worries though, maybe just deflect onto Trump instead.

I own my house thanks, I'm also a big guy

Jesus Christ lol

It's not really me, I just take a passing interest in this stuff, it's pretty obvious the big guy is taking bribes though and this was covered up. No worries though, maybe just deflect onto Trump instead.

I own my house thanks, I'm also a big guy

No one is claiming Hunter didn't use his fathers name to get jobs and earn money. He did what countless children have done before him and traded on his family name to make £. The problem is there is ZERO evidence Joe received a penny or actually did anything other than saying "hi" on a few phone calls. Hunter claiming his dad was with them is exactly how why he was employed and made money, his claim doesn't make it fact just like all the others claiming their family connection can help the business they want to work for but the family does zero.

Now if Joe did take a penny then he should be impeached, removed, jailed. Problem is there is no evidence he did anything or received any money. And after how social media companies were played in 2016 its no surprise they were very wary of a story of a laptop in the possession of Rudy, who wouldn't be. Even Fox news said no thanks.
Forget the man who has literally been found guilty of fraud, it's a relation of Joe Biden's with a drug and alcohol addiction who's Dad as far as I can tell was never involved that is the problem.

Do you really want to make this "my leader is less of a fraudster than your leader"? As I am pretty sure Trump will lose every time. And Americans know it.
No one is claiming Hunter didn't use his fathers name to get jobs and earn money. He did what countless children have done before him and traded on his family name to make £. The problem is there is ZERO evidence Joe received a penny or actually did anything other than saying "hi" on a few phone calls. Hunter claiming his dad was with them is exactly how why he was employed and made money, his claim doesn't make it fact just like all the others claiming their family connection can help the business they want to work for but the family does zero.

Now if Joe did take a penny then he should be impeached, removed, jailed. Problem is there is no evidence he did anything or received any money. And after how social media companies were played in 2016 its no surprise they were very wary of a story of a laptop in the possession of Rudy, who wouldn't be. Even Fox news said no thanks.

Weird how people are wary of some stories but others get repeated ad nauseum for years until they're proved fake. I don't think there is hard evidence either by the way, but we aren't trying to send him to jail, a story like that could've affected people's perception and influenced the outcome of the election. It was hidden and turned out to be true. This is election interference.
Weird how people are wary of some stories but others get repeated ad nauseum for years until they're proved fake. I don't think there is hard evidence either by the way, but we aren't trying to send him to jail, a story like that could've affected people's perception and influenced the outcome of the election. It was hidden and turned out to be true. This is election interference.

Wow so if a man has 4 women accuse him of rape/sexual assault its wrong and shouldn't be allowed to be published but if a laptop hard drive that has since been proven to be tampered with and in the hands of a crooked lawyer to the candidate for president and is published less than a month before an election it should be spread far and wide. Seems to be some double standards there Roar.

This is getting off topis though. But if Elon thinks actors won't use Twitter to try and interfere in the 2024 election he is even more deluded than I thought.
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This is getting off topis though. But if Elon thinks actors won't use Twitter to try and interfere in the 2024 election he is even more deluded than I thought.

Elon doesn't think that I'm sure, just because he got rid of that specific team, it doesn't mean there aren't people performing that function.
This is getting off topis though. But if Elon thinks actors won't use Twitter to try and interfere in the 2024 election he is even more deluded than I thought.

Of course he thinks they will, he's setting them up to do it. Roar will come tell us how xitter is more popular than ever because of all these fake election posts that bots post on xitter, but Elon is removing all the barriers that were in place, removing the team responbile for policing election interefance, setting it up that those users can pay £10 to boost their posts above users so that the fake noise is heard more.

It appears more and more that Elon knows people will pay bigly to interfere in elections and he's desperate that twitter gets that money rather than turns it away, and with simps that excuse it constantly as a win just because if you look are user count it's up, then who can blame Elon.
I don't think he was ever really that good at PR himself
It's hard to say.
Stuff like sending the car into space was pretty wicked PR. Appearing in iron man was good for Elon PR. The design of the cyber truck seems more about PR than an actual functioning design that a truck owner would benefit from.

The first bit of bad self inflicted PR I saw from Elon was when he did the pedo guy tweet. Then he was good right up until he bought twitter and has since just lost his mind it feels at times.

It's a shame really as now any good pr it tainted by his twitter antics.

Before I only ever heard of people wanting a Tesla. Now I hear of people embrasssed to own it and will replace as soon as they can with another brand. And this comes right at the point where other beans are making beasty electric vehicles. I don't why anyone would now buy a Tesla over the same value electric alternative
It appears more and more that Elon knows people will pay bigly to interfere in elections and he's desperate that twitter gets that money rather than turns it away, and with simps that excuse it constantly as a win just because if you look are user count it's up, then who can blame Elon.

Problem for Elon is by the next election I would be surprised if there's many Democrats left on Xitter it will just be a right wing Nazi wasteland
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The irony is that Musk previously promised to expand this department. Now he's gutting it. The justification? Right here in this sub-zero IQ tweet:


So the actual reason the head of the department got the sack was he liked a tweet that called Elon a dip*stick*

I wonder if Elon will fund his court case against him on the basis of freedom of speech

Got to say, if I had 250 billion, was the richest man in the world, I certainly wouldn't want to go down in history as a guy who used his money to fly down and see the people living off £1 a day (if lucky) trying to struggle to have a better life, but that's just me.

And to think, I'd support Elon with this if it wasn't that Elon unbanned trump from xitter.
At least the owner of xitter went??? You're really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here.

Why is that "at least" from the guy who owns xitter.
Bit sad that the owner of twitter has been more times than many members of the party in power isn't it, and just as many times as the president/vp of the usa. You'll probably have some smooth brains in here accuse him of election interference next :rolleyes:
Do you think the issues at the border are bad?
Yes, only a moron would think they aren't. Do you?
Yes, only a moron would think they aren't. Do you?

Yes exactly, and a moron would think you'd need to actually go to the border to know that!

Which are you?

Bit sad that you're just using this as a chance ti bash politicians that know how to use their eyes and ears to understand what's happening.

But of course, "at least" you can now find a way to praise the world's richest man going to look at the poorest struggling to find a better life.

You feel right into that trap didn't you. Smooth brain you say?
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