The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Yes exactly, and a moron would think you'd need to actually go to the border to know that!

Which are you?

Bit sad that you're just using this as a chance ti bash politicians that know how to use their eyes and ears to understand what's happening.

But of course, "at least" you can now find a way to praise the world's richest man going to look at the poorest struggling to find a better life.

You feel right into that trap didn't you. Smooth brain you say?
:cry: :cry:

The same politicians that have constantly downplayed the border crisis you mean?
:cry: :cry:

The same politicians that have constantly downplayed the border crisis you mean?
But you know better, sat in front of a screen. You don't need to go down there, but you know Elon does. You know that Biden needs to go to have a higher count than Elon, and you know this, again, from the comfort of your home/screen whatever.

I wonder why you think so little of Elon's ability to research something that he has to go down there and watch those pesky, poor £1 per day earning immigrants desperate to have a better life.

Most others think higher of Elon and know he knows how to use the Internet, knows how to read reports so doesn't need to go visit. You know the situation, I know the situation, but you some how also know that Elon has to go down there too, and know it's not just a bit of show boating/trying to win over the clowns, and ow has fed them to the point that they can go to threads and be like "look Elon is doing more than the politicians, I know this because he went and look at something"...

Smooth brain is what you said right?
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but you know Elon does.
Where did I ever claim that? I made a light hearted joke mocking a politican 'crying' to an empty carpark when she 'visited' the border. As usual the elon man bad crowd have to weigh in with their size 5's on any post that doesn't follow their rather boring lead and condemn everything he does.
You know that Biden needs to go to have a higher count than Elon, and you know this, again, from the comfort of your home/screen whatever.
Yes the president of the usa should have visited the southern border of his own country more than once given the record numbers that are pouring through.
I wider why you think so little of Elon's ability to research something that he has to go down there and watch those pesky, poor £1 per day earning immigrants desperate to have a better life.

You are a funny little chap aren't you
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I'm (probably reluctantly) returned to these auspicious corridors after a month only to find X is still continually quoted here, and on all other left leaning platforms, despite the left's (none political, of course) hatred of the the medium, and Elon Musk himself hasn't filed for bankruptcy, nor been locked up.

Even the Tate brothers have now regained the freedom of Romania and their "criminal" charges seem to be drooping like petals in a frost :) Time's a funny old thing...
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Why is talking about a massive internal problem in the US stirring ****? Why is he a POS for talking about it? He's a US citizen, these are valid issues.

Also welcome back from your vacation Chris ;)

Is he a politician? He's not. He's certainly not a humanitarian, he couldn't give a damn about some of the poorest people in the Americas trying to get to the hope of a better life. He is there for his own self aggrandisement, to stir up **** and get clicks. Republicans have ZERO interest in legislating on the border, just as Democrats had zero interest in legislating Roe into law, they are huge vote winners for their bases.

And of course he had to drag Ukraine into it. He can never give up the opportunity to try and undercut US support for Ukraine, using a false equivalence here. Is there a genocide happening at the southern border Roar? Are thousands of American children being kidnapped and deported? Are US cities being hit with missiles?
Has x collapsed yet?
Nope, just record levels of disinformation, the highest of any social media site.. Now you can't report election interference. Nothing to worry about.

Some members on here were hoping for better from Elon, but some expect to little of him that this is fine to them...

I remember when your type would say the same thing about Trump.

"hAs He TriEd tO oVeRthRoW tHe GoVeRnMenT yet"

And then it was, has he been charged for it yet, then it was, the jan6th people none are in jail, now it's just silence from everyone.
He just can't help but stir the **** can he. What a POS that man is.

Why do a few American politicians (interestingly all the ones that love Trump), not see how the USA gets to fight a proxy war against one of their biggest global adversaries and take out vast swathes of their military hardware, for the price of a pack of peanuts (in relative terms to their military budget)?

Are they that stupid?

If they don't like spending money on the military, why don't they advocate for spending it on social and childcar instead?

The very same people however, will then pivot to being all about a strong military. Well, what's it ******* for if you wouldn't even use it to help a country (who is a semi-ally/friend to the US) that is being invaded by Russia?
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Why do a few American politicians (interestingly all the ones that love Trump), not see how the USA gets to fight a proxy war against one of their biggest global adversaries and take out vast swathes of their military hardware, for the price of a pack of peanuts (in relative terms to their military budget)?

Are they that stupid?

If they don't like spending money on the military, why don't they advocate for spending it on social and childcar instead?

Because all they do/care about is what Trump tells them to do/care about and Trump backs Putin and not Ukraine so they back Putin and not Ukraine. It is that simple. One of their main adversaries having its military decimated for a few % of one years defence budget is irrelevant. China seeing how the West stood up to Russia and making it think twice about Taiwan is irrelevant. Logic plays no part in their thinking.
Why do a few American politicians (interestingly all the ones that love Trump), not see how the USA gets to fight a proxy war against one of their biggest global adversaries and take out vast swathes of their military hardware, for the price of a pack of peanuts (in relative terms to their military budget)?

Are they that stupid?

If they don't like spending money on the military, why don't they advocate for spending it on social and childcar instead?

The very same people however, will then pivot to being all about a strong military. Well, what's it ******* for if you wouldn't even use it to help a country (who is a semi-ally/friend to the US) that is being invaded by Russia?
I'm certain it's very sinply boiled down to "are the Dems doing it and is it a success with the voters, if so, be against it else it will help them at the next election"
Nope, just record levels of disinformation, the highest of any social media site.. Now you can't report election interference. Nothing to worry about.

Some members on here were hoping for better from Elon, but some expect to little of him that this is fine to them...

I remember when your type would say the same thing about Trump.

"hAs He TriEd tO oVeRthRoW tHe GoVeRnMenT yet"

And then it was, has he been charged for it yet, then it was, the jan6th people none are in jail, now it's just silence from everyone.

My type? What is my type?
Is he a politician? He's not. He's certainly not a humanitarian, he couldn't give a damn about some of the poorest people in the Americas trying to get to the hope of a better life. He is there for his own self aggrandisement, to stir up **** and get clicks. Republicans have ZERO interest in legislating on the border, just as Democrats had zero interest in legislating Roe into law, they are huge vote winners for their bases.

And of course he had to drag Ukraine into it. He can never give up the opportunity to try and undercut US support for Ukraine, using a false equivalence here. Is there a genocide happening at the southern border Roar? Are thousands of American children being kidnapped and deported? Are US cities being hit with missiles?

I'm just curious, what percentage of Americans do you think could point Ukraine out on a map? How many Americans have been to Ukraine? How many of them could speak a single word of Ukrainian? It has literally nothing at all to do with Americans as far as the vast majority of Americans are concerned. What they probably are more concerned about is the literal human flood of people coming into the Southern border. What they are concerned about is the opiate epidemic. They have a million other internal social issues that are more important to the average American than Ukraine; despite CNN pushing it down their throat daily. Elon Musk has every right to raise other political issues, you do not need to be a politician to be concerned with politics, otherwise 99% of your posts could be deleted. You're not even American yet for some reason you live and breathe their politics
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I'm just curious, what percentage of Americans do you think could point Ukraine out on a map? How many Americans have been to Ukraine? How many of them could speak a single word of Ukrainian? It has literally nothing at all to do with Americans as far as the vast majority of Americans are concerned. What they probably are more concerned about is the literal human flood of people coming into the Southern border. What they are concerned about is the opiate epidemic. They have a million other internal social issues that are more important to the average American than Ukraine; despite CNN pushing it down their throat daily. Elon Musk has every right to raise other political issues, you do not need to be a politician to be concerned with politics, otherwise 99% of your posts could be deleted. You're not even American yet for some reason you live and breathe their politics
Jesus this is just so laughably wrong. How can someone get it wrong this many times in one single post I don't know. I almost feel it's intential
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