The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Are you saying its not possible to spot disinformation? People trained to do this are actually pretty good at it. I saw this video a lot on Twitter, didn't see any community notes to tell people its fake (there might have been on some tweets but I didn't see it.)

I've lost count of the number of politicians and right wing **** stirrers spreading the lie that Biden gave Iran $8b and they've been using that money to fund weapons to Hamas for this operation. That money which was Iran's is held by a 3rd party and is still untouched and can only be spent on humanitarian aid and every purchase has to be approved by the US. How does having such lies be spread help society at a time like this?

I've seen combat footage of civilians being killed posted as happening now in Israel when it was from 2015 and not in Israel/Gazza.

I find it astonishing that some of you aren't in the slightest bit concerned by disinformation on social media and don't want it highlighted. 25+% of Americans believe the US election was stolen in 2020 when there is zero evidence to support it. Social media has helped spread that lie and continues to do so. If 50% of the UK voting population don't believe future election results because of lies on social media will you just shrug and say "but but but we don't want governments regulating companies to tell us what are and aren't lies"? If you think what is happening in the US couldn't happen here you are deluded. Society only holds together because people have faith in it. Remove that faith and there is nothing that makes our society immune from what has happened to countless others.

People can create that BBC video in about 10 minutes, it's like 'oh no, some images and words appeared and they have a BBC logo, won't somebody think of the children!'. Get a grip, if it's not posted on the BBC News website most people will realise it's fake.

Biden did unfreeze assets, maybe this is what they were referring to?

I find it astonishing that you spend so much time blabbering on about misinformation, as if there's a cure to stop people from saying whatever the hell they want without turning the country into North Korea. You can go down to your local pub and people will also be saying whatever the hell they want. Welcome to living in a free society, airline tickets to China are available, go there and seek asylum.
People can create that BBC video in about 10 minutes, it's like 'oh no, some images and words appeared and they have a BBC logo, won't somebody think of the children!'. Get a grip, if it's not posted on the BBC News website most people will realise it's fake.

Biden did unfreeze assets, maybe this is what they were referring to?

I find it astonishing that you spend so much time blabbering on about misinformation, as if there's a cure to stop people from saying whatever the hell they want without turning the country into North Korea. You can go down to your local pub and people will also be saying whatever the hell they want. Welcome to living in a free society, airline tickets to China are available, go there and seek asylum.
If you make twitter and meta responsible for the content on the platforms you can fix it very quickly. They have some great algorithms that find and promote it all the time. They don’t automatically remove it because it drives traffic. I’m not saying they would get it all but huge swathes of Russian bot nonsense and repeated posting of the same fake videos etc could and should be gone over night.
. You can go down to your local pub and people will also be saying whatever the hell they want. Welcome to living in a free society, airline tickets to China are available, go there and seek asylum
So I can add the letter Y to your name and you won't report it? You won't ask to have anyone banned for a week from this thread? Everyone it's confirmed we can all start calling roar that tiger name (I dare so it because I know how thin skinned this user is and how quickly he reports posts he doesn't like)

Anyone else brave enough to give it a go? :D

The truth is roar pretends to act like some free speech guy, but as soo as a post has a name he's too scared about, he reports it, and wants censorship worse than found in china.
Biden did unfreeze assets, maybe this is what they were referring to?

Thanks for repeating exactly what I had said, yes Biden did unfreeze assets but no they weren't referring to just that, they were saying those funds has been used by Iran to fund Hamas.

I find it astonishing that you spend so much time blabbering on about misinformation, as if there's a cure to stop people from saying whatever the hell they want without turning the country into North Korea. You can go down to your local pub and people will also be saying whatever the hell they want. Welcome to living in a free society, airline tickets to China are available, go there and seek asylum.

Who is saying people should be stopped from saying what they want? Are you going to keep creating strawmen in this thread? What is being asked for it for these social media companies to highlight mis/disinformation so people know that is what it is. Yes they should be made to do this or they should have their protections removed and be held responsible for everything posted (I actually think they should lose these protections anyway) They aren't even what they were anymore. They don't just provide a platform for 3rd parties to post which is what section 270 was for. They pay 3rd parties to post now. They promote some content and not others. They are true publishers now and they decide what the public gets to see and what it doesn't. They could tackle this easily but they want the clicks.
Social media is probably more dangerous than anything we've faced in decades, its a cancer eating away at us from within. If the USSR had made it another 20 years it could have stopped trying to keep up with US military spending and just concentrated on social media and caused more damage than it could ever of dreamed of.
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I agree with most you've posted above. However.... for something to be labelled mis/disinformation* the truth must be known and verified - I find it impossible to even fathom even an algorithm being able to do this in real time as something within the realms of possibility. Yes, maybe for known facts (i.e. England winning the WC in 1966) this can be done, but for fresh, new, ever moving and updated stories, I just don't get how it can be done in the way has been described.

Easiest, and only way I see, is that everything that is purporting to be 'the truth' is marked as unverified at posting until such times it can be verified (this should be doable with automated technology). It still means it's visible however. Otherwise, we just have to BAN amateur journalism on social sites, which tbh, I would** be too opposed to.

*disinformation is tricky, as combinations of sources could be compromised to produce this information giving it the appearance of 'legitimacy' and thus it's power even though it's at a later date easy to prove wrong, at a point in time many places could believe it to be true, which indeed may be the aim of the bad actor (e.g. "go to this place, it's safe" only for their to be a bomb at that location).

**this was a typo, but then I thought about it, I actually would be opposed as I think imposing something like that could lead down the path of tyranny if the right conditions were met.
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Isnt the issue not just that there is mis/dis information, but more that these platforms use algorithms to actively promote certain content to certain users? So you end up not just having a "say what you want platform", but more a "say something we think someone else might find so we can show it to them, and the more we think that, the more we will share/promote your content".

This can then be gamed and echo Chambers formed etc.

I thought that was partly the reason for the rules that are now in place
Talking of disinformation it seems the President of the United States of America, in a time of huge conflict, has stated he has seen photographic evidence of beheaded Israeli babies butchered by Hamas. His carers have now had to rubbish his rambling claims with as little collateral damage as possible. I wonder how this blatant disinformation is going to be critiqued by those liberals who are allegedly so worried by deliberate lies by those in power?

Very quietly if at all is my best guess ...
Talking of disinformation it seems the President of the United States of America, in a time of huge conflict, has stated he has seen photographic evidence of beheaded Israeli babies butchered by Hamas. His carers have now had to rubbish his rambling claims with as little collateral damage as possible. I wonder how this blatant disinformation is going to be critiqued by those liberals who are allegedly so worried by deliberate lies by those in power?

Very quietly if at all is my best guess ...

We only care if x hosts the misinformation.

Please keep up Chris, we know your old but cmon.

So I can add the letter Y to your name and you won't report it? You won't ask to have anyone banned for a week from this thread? Everyone it's confirmed we can all start calling roar that tiger name (I dare so it because I know how thin skinned this user is and how quickly he reports posts he doesn't like)

Anyone else brave enough to give it a go? :D

The truth is roar pretends to act like some free speech guy, but as soo as a post has a name he's too scared about, he reports it, and wants censorship worse than found in china.

There's a difference between posting 'misinformation' and trying to bully someone. Calling someone names isn't misinformation.

Not sure how you can't see the difference.

Also it's normally me that reports you, not roar. :)
Talking of disinformation it seems the President of the United States of America, in a time of huge conflict, has stated he has seen photographic evidence of beheaded Israeli babies butchered by Hamas. His carers have now had to rubbish his rambling claims with as little collateral damage as possible. I wonder how this blatant disinformation is going to be critiqued by those liberals who are allegedly so worried by deliberate lies by those in power?

Very quietly if at all is my best guess ...


"And here's another line from the Israeli military update - Jonathan Conricus says that Hamas militants did behead babies during their deadly wave of attacks at the weekend.

Conricus says a coroner who visited the aftermath of the massacre at Kibbutz Be'eri had seen the children's bodies and confirmed how they died.

"I admit it took us some time to really understand and to verify that report, and it was hard to believe that even Hamas could perform such a barbaric act," he says.

"I think we can now say, with relative confidence, that this is what Hamas did... there were bodies scattered everywhere, mutilated.""

Biden probably leaked info he shouldn't have.
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Talking of disinformation it seems the President of the United States of America, in a time of huge conflict, has stated he has seen photographic evidence of beheaded Israeli babies butchered by Hamas. His carers have now had to rubbish his rambling claims with as little collateral damage as possible. I wonder how this blatant disinformation is going to be critiqued by those liberals who are allegedly so worried by deliberate lies by those in power?

Very quietly if at all is my best guess ...

Actually Chris I think it was a shocking thing to do, stupid beyond belief, does nothing to help and he and his administration should have known better.

Fortunately his administration actually corrected him and said he'd not seen such pictures so they've labelled their own misinformation as such. If it were Trump he'd have got his sharpie out and drawn some babies heads on the pictures and carried on with his narrative. See the difference?
Actually Chris I think it was a shocking thing to do, stupid beyond belief, does nothing to help and he and his administration should have known better.

Fortunately his administration actually corrected him and said he'd not seen such pictures so they've labelled their own misinformation as such. If it were Trump he'd have got his sharpie out and drawn some babies heads on the pictures and carried on with his narrative. See the difference?

We do see the difference in your made up story. Yes.
We only care if x hosts the misinformation.

Please keep up Chris, we know your old but cmon.

There's a difference between posting 'misinformation' and trying to bully someone. Calling someone names isn't misinformation.

Not sure how you can't see the difference.

Also it's normally me that reports you, not roar. :)
Mate, you weren't even in this thread. Trust me I'm told who does it and his little cries about it. And I'm not talking about mis information special. Read the bit where roar was crying about China and seeking asylum, and how you can live in a free society where people say whatever they want. That bit... I'm sure if you try hard enough it'll click for you... eventually.

But lol at you reporting the posts that are too scary for roar. You must spend all day doing it as at times it's fill of everyone laughing at his posts.

So to continue correctly with what roar said about anyone being able to say what they want down the pub, we live in a free society, and you can go to China if you want censorship. It's you he's talking to! Of course we know that's not true but maybe take Roars advice and allow the free society/anything can be said like in a pub from now on? If roar believes it's OK and places like pubs, xitter etc should allow it, then why can't you?

Why you got to be a white knight for the poor user? He's OK with it.
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Ah so Trump didn't draw on a map with a sharpie rather than just admit he had lied, like the Biden administration just did?

Personally I think to say Biden lied is harsh, he has gone gaga and probably doesn't know what day it is most of the time. He'll be promted to say and do his carer's bidding, but is prone to going off piste to an alarming degree.

He needs pensioning off, it's sad to see such pitiful spectacles.
I wonder how this blatant disinformation is going to be critiqued by those liberals who are allegedly so worried by deliberate lies by those in power?

right back at you. it seems you want disinformation now gone because biden said it, but heaven forbid disinformatin is labelled as that on xitter.

funny how quickly you've switched as soon as biden did something.
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Personally I think to say Biden lied is harsh, he has gone gaga and probably doesn't know what day it is most of the time. He'll be promted to say and do his carer's bidding, but is prone to going off piste to an alarming degree.

He needs pensioning off, it's sad to see such pitiful spectacles.
lol that's a good one, completely based on reality.
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