The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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What about everything that's in between "obvious truth" and "blatant lie", who decides what is removed?

Probably a team of people maybe a council that could get together regularly and make judgement calls on what should or shouldn't be allowed on the platform so that the power doesn't reside with one individual.

But it seems that was too much of a sensible idea for musk to implement it
What about everything that's in between "obvious truth" and "blatant lie", who decides what is removed?

Thats the part where you have to have sensible policies that find the best balance (and it will not always be easy) based on the most likely and fact supported position.
If its pretty grey (say the 33%-66% middle ground) then allow both views to be out there.
If its pretty heavily weighted into one zone, and the chances are there could be direct public damage then you need to moderate it.
Notice I say moderate and not shut down.

If you have 99 medical professionals and some real heavy hitters saying something is bad, and 1 who is no real expert saying the opposite do you not try to control the message somewhat?

Is it still a lie if you honestly believe that to be the case? Is everything someone says that is later proven incorrect a lie? 'Lie' implies malice of forethought, a rather difficult thing to prove, so you're essentially just calling someone a liar because you dislike them.

If you honestly believe something, and your making that from a position of knowledge then its not a lie.
Not everything people think will happen pans out, but if your making statements in the public domain that could genuinely cause harm or loss to others and you have no reason to believe they will be correct you could be committing fraud, deception or many other similar types of misinformation with true legal consequence.
For some reason I can't think of a moderation council and not think of Twitch's efforts a few years ago:


Absolute bananas, was hilarious :D
Probably a team of people maybe a council that could get together regularly and make judgement calls on what should or shouldn't be allowed on the platform so that the power doesn't reside with one individual.

But it seems that was too much of a sensible idea for musk to implement it

Yeah sounds like a good idea, we'll have a government committee then, except that committee is part of the government, so they can just say something needs to be deleted for national security reasons or terrorism or public safety etc, if I really don't like it. Terrorism charges have never been abused right
Did he say it would be ready in a year or did he say they are aiming for self driving tech within the year?
He mentioned on a podcast a few years back that he would get Tesla's self-driving that same year. As always, you take Elon timeframes with a massive pinch of salt hence the term "Elon time"...

Edit - Sauce, FYI Podcast 19th Feb 2019 ( -
I think we will be feature complete full self-driving this year. Meaning the car will be able to find you in a parking lot, pick you up and take you all the way to your destination without an intervention, this year.
- Elon Musk
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Did he say it would be ready in a year or did he say they are aiming for self driving tech within the year?

In terms of where Tesla is at this stage, I think we are very close to achieving full self-driving without human supervision. This is only speculation, but I think we’ll achieve full self-driving, maybe what you would call four or five, I think later this year.

This is what he said verbatim so Striderx is spreading misinformation.
Is someone saying they are male, when in fact they are female, misinformation? Who decides?

Come at me bro/sis.

Misinformation should be considered fake information that significantly negatively affects others who might read it

Reading a post saying "I'm a girl now" doesn't really affect anyone else so it doesn't matter

Perhaps it needs to be called "material misinformation" as in it's misinformation that has a material impact on others
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Wonder how those 1 million robotaxis are doing he promised on the road for 2020 to investors in 2019. Now either he was lying or he believed Tesla had the tech in place to make a fully automatous robotaxi in 2019 and so was completely out of touch with what his company is capable of.

I'm going with the lying.
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