The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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I really don't like musk but claiming trying to send humans to mars doesn't help humanity is so blatantly false I want to bang my head against the wall everytime I read it.

So how does it help humans? Its because to achieve that goal requires inventing a whole bunch of new technologies and without a reason and investment to do those inventions they may never get done.

Which things had to be invented in order to put humans on the Moon and also build the ISS

How about: thermal blankets, dustbusters, LED lights, miniature cameras - aka camera in your phone, vacuum sealing food, shock absorbing soles, artificial hydraulic limbs, solar panel cells, wireless headsets, scratch resistant camera lenses, memory foam, cochlear implants, insulin pumps, advanced water filtration etc the list goes on and on

As for Mars, I'll give you a simple invention: Having humans on Mars will require being able to generate oxygen in an environment that has none, but has carbon and water. The device is called Moxie and once miniaturised it will be used not just to supply oxygen to someone on Mars it can be used to supply clean oxygen to people on Earth as well when they are in environments that have no oxygen or poor quality oxygen. And the device only exists because it's needed by NASA to put humans on Mars, no one was investing or working on it otherwise

And that's not all, I can go on and on: Mars requires new inventions that can protect humans against exposure to high amounts of radiation, I somehow suspect that will be useful here too. It also requires inventions to keep human muscles active and alive when humans are in a state of not being able to do gravity assisted exercise on Earth, somehow expect that will be useful on Earth too wouldn't you agree
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I really don't like musk but claiming trying to send humans to mars doesn't help humanity is so blatantly false I want to bang my head against the wall everytime I read it.

So how does it help humans? Its because to achieve that goal requires inventing a whole bunch of new technologies and without a reason and investment to do those inventions they may never get done.

Which things had to be invented in order to put humans on the Moon and also build the ISS

How about: thermal blankets, dustbusters, LED lights, miniature cameras - aka camera in your phone, vacuum sealing food, shock absorbing soles, artificial hydraulic limbs, solar panel cells, wireless headsets, scratch resistant camera lenses, memory foam, cochlear implants, insulin pumps, advanced water filtration etc the list goes on and on

As for Mars, I'll give you a simple invention: Having humans on Mars will require being able to generate oxygen in an environment that has none, but has carbon and water. The device is called Moxie and once miniaturised it will be used not just to supply oxygen to someone on Mars it can be used to supply clean oxygen to people on Earth as well when they are in environments that have no oxygen or poor quality oxygen. And the device only exists because it's needed by NASA to put humans on Mars, no one was investing or working on it otherwise

And that's not all, I can go on and on: Mars requires new inventions that can protect humans against exposure to high amounts of radiation, I somehow suspect that will be useful here too. It also requires inventions to keep human muscles active and alive when humans are in a state of not being able to do gravity assisted exercise on Earth, somehow expect that will be useful on Earth too wouldn't you agree

It's also our stepping stone to other planets. People always complain about us not thinking about our future, yet when someone does - they complain too.

I know it's controversial to support musk/space x these days. But I absolutely love the thought we are trying to move to Mars and beyond. We can't go further than Mars without going to Mars first.

God knows what inventions, discoveries this will lead to in the future.
Mankind's future would be fine if there were a lot less of us, this simple nettle is never grasped by those concerned about the planet and its occupants future, sadly.

Population reduction and then Draconian control of its future growth is really the only viable answer amidst a sea of pie in the sky ideas that will never be implemented due to entrenched human nature.

Mother nature will take control far more harshly if "we" don't heed her warnings and stop our rampant procreating. And stop fighting nature by thinking we're so kind sending aid to enable unnatural population levels in regions that don't naturally support large populations.

Who runs X will have little to no effect on all of this, yet it seems to take up a lot of people's concern quotient...
I really don't like musk but claiming trying to send humans to mars doesn't help humanity is so blatantly false I want to bang my head against the wall everytime I read it.

So how does it help humans? Its because to achieve that goal requires inventing a whole bunch of new technologies and without a reason and investment to do those inventions they may never get done.

Which things had to be invented in order to put humans on the Moon and also build the ISS

How about: thermal blankets, dustbusters, LED lights, miniature cameras - aka camera in your phone, vacuum sealing food, shock absorbing soles, artificial hydraulic limbs, solar panel cells, wireless headsets, scratch resistant camera lenses, memory foam, cochlear implants, insulin pumps, advanced water filtration etc the list goes on and on
Sorry but all that could be achieved by populating the moon, which is far far closer, actually has something we could need very soon (hopefully) for fusion in helium 3. What elements does Mars have that we require?
Yes things were invented for space and further things will be or a Moon base which is far closer. Any Mars base would require constant supplies from Earth just to keep them alive. Incredible amounts of money and resources for what?
As for Mars, I'll give you a simple invention: Having humans on Mars will require being able to generate oxygen in an environment that has none, but has carbon and water. The device is called Moxie and once miniaturised it will be used not just to supply oxygen to someone on Mars it can be used to supply clean oxygen to people on Earth as well when they are in environments that have no oxygen or poor quality oxygen. And the device only exists because it's needed by NASA to put humans on Mars, no one was investing or working on it otherwise

And that's not all, I can go on and on: Mars requires new inventions that can protect humans against exposure to high amounts of radiation, I somehow suspect that will be useful here too. It also requires inventions to keep human muscles active and alive when humans are in a state of not being able to do gravity assisted exercise on Earth, somehow expect that will be useful on Earth too wouldn't you agree

It has tiny amounts of carbon and most of the water is near the poles which isn't where you can use solar which means you are going to need to take a lot of RTGs to Mars just to supply the energy required for creating the methane and oxygen, compressing it and keeping it refrigerated. Let alone the energy required to keep all the humans alive and doing something.

We already know how to protect humans from radiation, hydrogen, so anything with high amounts of hydrogen in its structure is great. Though quite how that is going to help humankind on Earth is beyond me unless we have a nuclear war, then it would be useful but we also have lots of other problems. Not saying there couldn't be better materials but the Moon needs that too.

The Moon will require tech to stop muscle atrophy and other effects of low gravity just as the ISS does.

I'm not against space travel, I'm a space nerd but the idea that going to Mars is great for humanity right now I just don't agree with. And someone talking about going doesn't make him some great humanitarian. We have the Moon 3 days away, we should be looking to build bases there first before even thinking about Mars.
Mankind's future would be fine if there were a lot less of us, this simple nettle is never grasped by those concerned about the planet and its occupants future, sadly.

Population reduction and then Draconian control of its future growth is really the only viable answer amidst a sea of pie in the sky ideas that will never be implemented due to entrenched human nature.

Mother nature will take control far more harshly if "we" don't heed her warnings and stop our rampant procreating. And stop fighting nature by thinking we're so kind sending aid to enable unnatural population levels in regions that don't naturally support large populations.

Who runs X will have little to no effect on all of this, yet it seems to take up a lot of people's concern quotient...

You aren't going to like Elon then because he wants everyone to have more babies and grow the population of Earth.
It's also our stepping stone to other planets. People always complain about us not thinking about our future, yet when someone does - they complain too.

I know it's controversial to support musk/space x these days. But I absolutely love the thought we are trying to move to Mars and beyond. We can't go further than Mars without going to Mars first.

God knows what inventions, discoveries this will lead to in the future.

We've got the Moon 3 days away, we should be building bases there and solving the problems using that before thinking about Mars.
It's not stooping to any level though, Bill Gates wife divorced him after 27 years of marriage citing his relationship with Epstein as a reason. You can ignore that and try and pretend it's some made up conspiracy but they are literally divorced over it.

Elon Musk didn't go visit his Island, there's no relationship between them, there's a single photo from 2014 where he was apparently at the same party as Ghislaine.

There is VERY varied reporting in that regard.

Eg was 94.,end blog post for 2021.

In a CBS interview this March, French Gates opened up about the divorce from her perspective.

"It wasn't one moment or one specific thing that happened," she said. "There just came a point in time where there was enough there that I realized it just wasn't healthy and I couldn't trust what we had."

It happens quite regularly with older couples. They get to the point the kids have gone, they find that actually they do not have that much in common anymore.

Yes I rate Gates as 100x the person Musk is.
You aren't going to like Elon then because he wants everyone to have more babies and grow the population of Earth.

There we go again, everything is black and white, no nuanced shades of grey. "Liking" someone or not is rarely governed by an opinion on a single topic that person holds. I also dislike him because he needs recreational drugs to get by, he seems to treat stable environments to bring his children up in with disdain. He also seems to have some opinions that I am fully behind. Just like most people I meet, know or take an interest in.
I am sure there is a space thread where the benefits and costs/impacts of Mars, the moon, and space in general is discussed.
If not then start one.

This thread needs to remain Xwitter really.

As I said above, the reason I put forwards Gates was for the reasons I posted. He is basically many times more qualified in the main metrics I would look for in someone aiming to provide what Musk says he wants xwitter to be.
I have worked with plenty of people I would say would be better than Musk as well. CEOs of $xxbn companies.
It really needs what has been pretty much proven to be the winning formula in business, a senior team of experienced people with relevant experience across all the fields running a successful large business requires, along with a non exec board that provides even more.

So I don't really see it as 1 person, that 1 person would be the figure head. They would not, and could not, be an expert in everything required to run it successfully.
Why are you asking me if I have evidence? You personally are constantly highlighting how few rape convictions there are, and how hard it is to prove, yet when we have such strong evidence of someone hanging around with a man convicted of procuring children for prostitution you're keen to ignore and demand evidence it because it's someone on your "side". Do you really care about women, or do you just seek to weaponise female victims for your politics? This is why I hate male feminists, you're fake.
Because you are making the claim that becuase he was friends with a sex offender it makes him a sex offender. Trump was friends with the same sex offender, is he a sex offender? Don't worry you don't need to answer that, we already know he is as he was found liable in New York.
What person on "my side" am I defending? You think Gates is on my side? :cry: and I'm not defending him, the minute he is accused I'd take it seriously. The complete opposite of you. You are such a hypocrite.
I'm going to guess you personally know zero billionaires, you've likely never spoke to one briefly, let alone long enough to form any sort of relationship where you could pass judgement on a single one, yet you make dumb sweeping statements.
No but I do know 7 self made millionaires fairly well, a few more not as well and all of them are ruthless ***** who have screwed over people along the way to get to where they are. I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them when it comes to money or business.
Again, you should be looking for evidence, you're the biggest feminist on here, yet now you're in defence of a man who regularly hung out with someone convicted of soliciting children for prostitution. Go find the evidence, do something productive with your time instead of using it to slander Elon Musk
Why would I need to find evidence for something you are accusing him of? If women come forward and accuse him of rape or other sex offences then they should be taken seriously. That is how it works Roar. Where as with you if you like the person like with Tate and Trump you immediately go to "women are lying/want money/asking for it by putting themselves in that situation" you see the difference?
I've no idea why you're using Elon Musk having a lot of kids as something bad. Who cares? He pays for them and the women obviously have no issues with it. I'm fine with someone intelligent and well off having a lot kids lol.
Is it ideal for kids to have an absent father or one that lives with them? I'm fairly sure in other threads you've claimed boys don't get the strong male role model they need these days, you might have even mentioned absent fathers and I'm not sure a man going from one women to the next and banging out kids but not living with them is an idea male role model, maybe you think that is a good male role model because he's minted.
Again, I've no idea, maybe the women have been threatened to keep quiet, or they've been killed, these are some of the richest men alive with contacts across multiple Western governments.
Ah so Tate is good even though multiple women have accused him and he's a self confessed pimp but Gates is bad even though no women have accused him and its likely a conspiracy that no one has come forward to accuse Gates involving governments.
You know between that and your statement that Russell Brand was being accused to silence him because he could help Trump get elected in 2024, I'm thinking you might be a bit of a conspiracy theorist Roar ;)
Did you bother to link the article? She specifically mentions Epstein being evil, and the fact her husband hung out with him.
And again she knew about him being mates with Epstein years before, she knew what Epstein was, everyone knew what he was yet she remained married to him. That she might have used that as a reason in her divorce means little really.
I'm sure I've already explained the Mars thing in this thread before. If you need to understand why then you can research online why humans colonising another planet is important.
Explain it again why going to Mars and colonising it is so important. And if you say because we might be all wiped out by a meteor/comet I'm going to laugh.
Yeah, I don't think so, Trump was a good President, the world was a FAR better place with him in charge of the US. It's very easy to compare the night and day difference between 2016-2020 and the current **** show of world events.
Now if that isn't deranged I don't know what is.
Maybe we can all find common ground here on one thing.

We all think mars, space x etc is more important than Twitter? And we'd all rather elon spend time doing that? He can of course split his time, ceo after all rarely do anything but get all the credit, but we'd prefer him to spend his time more on Mars exploration and the innovation that comes with that?

Whoops. I remember a year ago, all those posts about how great Elon was for sorting this out.

"empty talk" seems fitting here.

Elon has been accused of "empty promises" before I beleive?
Elon mocked Zelensky for begging for US government money, now he's begging for US government money

Tesla is investing US tax payer money into Texas and providing a tangible service for them, one which also benefits the environment.

Ukraine has huge issues with corruption, people are rightly concerned about where that US tax payer money is going.
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Requesting money to provide a service for the tax payer? lol

It appears to provide a service for Teslas crisp packet transportation vehicles of which there are about a 100 on the road.

I don't mind companies asking for government assistance but since Elon has been so openly critical of them it's amusing that he's always the first one in line to suckle on the government teat

Musk said the government should "just delete" all subsidies from the $1 trillion infrastructure bill President Joe Biden recently signed into law.
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