The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Elon has done this before

He frequently posts tweets saying the government should never hand out subsidies to businesses but his own companies are constantly begging for subsidies

At this stage, Elon is either the biggest troll or he has serious mental issues that go beyond him claiming he only has autism
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Tesla is investing US tax payer money into Texas and providing a tangible service for them, one which also benefits the environment.

Ukraine has huge issues with corruption, people are rightly concerned about where that US tax payer money is going.

Ukraine are smashing the war machine of one of the US great foes, its a bargain $ wise and not a single US soldier has died. Best military spending ever.
It appears to provide a service for Teslas crisp packet transportation vehicles of which there are about a 100 on the road.

That's obviously the starting point Matt, but you do know that, don't you? Can we be intellectually honest with our discourse?

I don't mind companies asking for government assistance but since Elon has been so openly critical of them it's amusing that he's always the first one in line to suckle on the government teat

I mean, Elon Musk is the single biggest tax payer ever. Period. If you lived to be 10,000 years old you wouldn't have paid as much tax as him. He paid $11bn in tax in a single year, $100m in return for an actual investment is pennies lol. Also, he's personally supporting Ukraine, he retweeted a meme once, relax. What have you donated to Ukraine Matt?

Ukraine are smashing the war machine of one of the US great foes, its a bargain $ wise and not a single US soldier has died. Best military spending ever.

Yeah Russia, that big US foe, the one that hasn't been a realistic threat to the US since the 1980s, 40 years ago. Good to know Ukraine are smashing the war machine though, they must be close to winning by now.
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I think Mr. Musk is on a hiding to nothing as Biden now has to follow ex President Trump's sage decision to continue urgently financing the building of "The Wall" to stop major US sanctuary cities going bankrupt and probable civil unrest. (That wall he swore never to build a another foot of). So with funding to supporting The Ukraine and now financing a military presence to keep the tin lid on the Middle East, Musk may sadly find his request falls on deaf, or at least financially impotent, ears.
Yeah Russia, that big US foe, the one that hasn't been a realistic threat to the US since the 1980s, 40 years ago. Good to know Ukraine are smashing the war machine though, they must be close to winning by now.

Yes Roar Russia is NATOs one foe in Europe. They've used chemical and radiological weapons on our soil. They've invaded their neighbours. You better believe counties bordering Russia and Belarus have concerns about Russian aggression. They have committed terrible crimes in Ukraine but you've made it quite clear time and again that you don't care, you'd throw Ukraine under the bus so you don't need to paint your windows white and sleep under the stairs in case Putin decides to nuke Leeds.
The small % of our military budgets we've spent has been a bargain, not just to massively degrade Russia's war machine but to not allow it to win, to control Ukraine, its food and energy and further hold the world to ransom. Another issue you've been on the wrong side of. You're making a habit of this.
I think Mr. Musk is on a hiding to nothing as Biden now has to follow ex President Trump's sage decision to continue urgently financing the building of "The Wall" to stop major US sanctuary cities going bankrupt and probable civil unrest. (That wall he swore never to build a another foot of). So with funding to supporting The Ukraine and now financing a military presence to keep the tin lid on the Middle East, Musk may sadly find his request falls on deaf, or at least financially impotent, ears.

$100m is pocket change. Biden has no choice on the wall because its money allocated by Congress, unlike the previous guy he actually respects the roll Congress plays even if he disagrees with them.
$100m is pocket change. Biden has no choice on the wall because its money allocated by Congress, unlike the previous guy he actually respects the roll Congress plays even if he disagrees with them.

Look after the cents and the dollars will look after themselves to paraphrase an old English saying. Of course running a country prudently isn't a vote winner from the idle and feckless, so we have global financial crises. 100 million dollars may be small change in itself, but such laissez faire attitudes are what brings about such things as Birmingham City Council going bust, et cetera.
Look after the cents and the dollars will look after themselves to paraphrase an old English saying. Of course running a country prudently isn't a vote winner from the idle and feckless, so we have global financial crises. 100 million dollars may be small change in itself, but such laissez faire attitudes are what brings about such things as Birmingham City Council going bust, et cetera.
More appropriately... Penny wise and pound foolish as this country has been for which the consequences are clear.
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More appropriately... Penny wise and pound foolish as this country has been for which the consequences are clear.

Again you leave me wondering from your recalcitrance in saying what job you do as to whether you are a contributor to this country's taxes, or a recipient. The latter would handsomely explain why a Labour government and near unfettered spending on "social" causes is so appealing to you ;) Do you care to establish your position? You seem to have a very strong "downer" on the wealthy, even though they are often major contributors to the taxation system and the labour market. Are either of these perhaps anathema to you? ;)
If he didn't know that before he promised it then he's incompetent, if he did know then he's a liar.

Had Congress allocated the funds when he said it? I doubt it as Biden was a candidate at the time and Congress only allocates funds for that current Congress and that changed in 2021 and 2023. He said he wouldn't build it, so he wouldn't request the funds from Congress, which he didn't. He did all he could legally not to build it but in the end Congress has allocated the funds. So neither of your examples works.
Look after the cents and the dollars will look after themselves to paraphrase an old English saying. Of course running a country prudently isn't a vote winner from the idle and feckless, so we have global financial crises. 100 million dollars may be small change in itself, but such laissez faire attitudes are what brings about such things as Birmingham City Council going bust, et cetera.

You are comparing a city council to the US government :cry:
Again you leave me wondering from your recalcitrance in saying what job you do as to whether you are a contributor to this country's taxes, or a recipient. The latter would handsomely explain why a Labour government and near unfettered spending on "social" causes is so appealing to you ;) Do you care to establish your position? You seem to have a very strong "downer" on the wealthy, even though they are often major contributors to the taxation system and the labour market. Are either of these perhaps anathema to you? ;)

Penny wise and pound foolish is a well known saying.
It means people can fixate on tiny savings whilst larger ones sit untouched. (as an example)
An example would be buying all the BOGOF offers in Waitrose when the same shop in Tesco would be cheaper.
I mean, Elon Musk is the single biggest tax payer ever. Period. If you lived to be 10,000 years old you wouldn't have paid as much tax as him. He paid $11bn in tax in a single year, $100m in return for an actual investment is pennies lol.

I would hope that the richest man on the planet is also the highest tax payer.

Also, he's personally supporting Ukraine, he retweeted a meme once, relax. What have you donated to Ukraine Matt?

Lol I'm just pointing out if he didn't have double standards he'd have no standards at all.
I mean, Elon Musk is the single biggest tax payer ever. Period. If you lived to be 10,000 years old you wouldn't have paid as much tax as him. He paid $11bn in tax in a single year, $100m in return for an actual investment is pennies lol. Also, he's personally supporting Ukraine, he retweeted a meme once, relax. What have you donated to Ukraine Matt?

But none in 2018, it seems

It's weird that you're holding up that the sometimes-richest-man-in-the-world as a tax paying hero when (1) well, of course he should be and (2) although it seems it's also only partially true.

Genuine question: is there anything that someone could level against Musk which you would take an objective review of and fall on the side of "well, that doesn't make him look great"?
But he's a capitalist no? Taking money is socialism.

It depends, if you're poor, it's socialism and reckless, but if you're rich its a subsidy and sound financial practice, after all trickle down don'tcha know...

It's a bit like when they introduced the National Minimum Wage and entirely crashed the economy as had been long predicted by some, but when Liz Truss sagely promised huge tax cuts for the rich, the economy went gangbusters.

Prior to that of course, the stupid left and centre of British Poltics wanted us to have free access to the World's larget market on our doorstep, when instead the right, quite rightly, decided that we'd be better off with having singular trade agreements with other natiosn around the World, and look at us now, we've got virtual trade monopolies with the likes of Tuvalu, The Marshall Islands and St. Kitts and Nevis.
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