The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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There you go, its all the terms you lefty NCP's know.

Hitler, fascist, far right.

And this is why you have diluted the terms to mean jack s.

I am making a legitimate historical comparison. The people that sit in the comments and demand Alex Jones come back have an odd fascination with conspiracy theories which may or may not include calling things that have happened lies, sound familiar to you?
I am making a legitimate historical comparison. The people that sit in the comments and demand Alex Jones come back have an odd fascination with conspiracy theories which may or may not include calling things that have happened lies, sound familiar to you?

Well a lot of the hard left deny the holocaust.

I wouldn't ban them. it allows for them to be persuaded and vice versa.
Main difference is between the left and right is that the right will indeed allow hard left wing nutters to have their say.

This forum has issues also, when I started offering arguments in the Ukraine thread, I got banned from it.
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Well a lot of the hard left deny the holocaust.

I wouldn't ban them. it allows for them to be persuaded and vice versa.

Main difference is between the left and right is that the right will indeed allow hard left wing nutters to have their say.

I would.

Nah on Elon's Twitter you can say anything as long as it isn't critical of him, then instant ban for you. Strangely like other dictators of the past. Let's be honest, Elon is anti-democracy.
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I think he banned one journalist who kept revealing his private planes location.
He also banned journalists who reported on the ban.

And the planes location was at the time public information as was legally required for ALL flights and accessible via the FAA's own portal, all the person he banned did was make it marginally easier for the average person to see what it was up to by basically linking to the correct part of the FAA (a government agency) website.
Even now that he's applied for a rare (for non governmental use/military) obfuscated reference number for his aircraft all he's done is made it very slightly harder, as they follow a certain style and don't change much so all you have to do now is see where one is in use and compare it to where he's known to be, check it at another time and IIRC you've found his "hidden" aircraft number as oddly enough travelling by private aircraft makes you very very easy to track to anyone with a modicum of understanding of how aviation works as you basically have nothing powered in the air in the US (or most other places) that doesn't have a transponder saying "Hi I'm X and I'm at this height" from the moment the aircraft is powered up*.

From memory it was about the time Musk the champion of all things green was taking flights that took 30 minutes as a routine thing** (and likely not saving any time compared to driving in a tesla once you allow for the time spent getting to the airstrip, waiting for clearances, getting from the airstrip to where he actually wanted to go).

His entire argument was an utter load of nonsense and seemed to have been made up after he got caught out having a hissy fit.

*It's how the entirety of civilian air traffic control works, about the only things that don't have a transponder are hot air balloons, microlights and other things that are flying in very restricted circumstances at low altitudes, even military jets now fly with transponders on when over most of the US after a couple of very nasty accidents where ATC didn't know they were present (even "secret" jets will have a transponder even if it's not showing the aircraft type, IIRC ATC could tell for example the spy planes from their height and speed even if they didn't know what they were).

**The absolute worst part of any flight for pollution is during the take off as they go from ground level to cruising height, and on short flights you rarely get the engines to run at their most efficient for more than a few minutes (IIRC private aircraft are something like 10x worse for pollution/energy use than even a commercial flight under the best circumstances).
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Elon has only done it for the money.

Alex jones is a ***** and causes too much trouble .

Err what?
This will not bring back advertisers, it will only discourage them more. This throws that argument out the window.

Seriously you lefties and free speech. It terrifies you.
Very strange. You all got brainwashed in schools.
"predicted 9/11"


He pulled Bin Laden's name out his ass (Bin Laden was already on FBI most wanted lists at this time)

His whole spiel was that the previous World Trade center attack was an inside job to help Clinton.

Never mind that Republicans were in charge when 9/11 happened.
Err what?
This will not bring back advertisers, it will only discourage them more. This throws that argument out the window.

Seriously you lefties and free speech. It terrifies you.
Very strange. You all got brainwashed in schools.

I’m never brain washed I make up my own mind thank you very much. I ain’t no lefty or righty or upsidedowny.

So he won’t allow him to advertise on the platform but will let him back on? Hmm.
Sure sure lol

Look at Musk's recent posts. He's laser focused on traffic. He knows he needs to drive it as high as possible, to compensate for the staggering losses the company is now facing.

When people mention advertising, he quickly pivots to traffic and influence while insisting that advertisers will enjoy greater success in the near future.

It's true that Twitterx' organic traffic is impressive, particularly considering the relatively small size of the platform (Twitterx is ranked 9th for the number of active users). But will that traffic be enough to drive sufficient revenue from the remaining advertisers? Even Musk is doubtful.

Musk also warned about the potential repercussions, stating, “What the advertising boycott is going to do is it’s going to kill the company. The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company, and we will document it in great detail. Let’s see how Earth responds.”
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Musk also warned about the potential repercussions, stating, “What the advertising boycott is going to do is it’s going to kill the company. The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company, and we will document it in great detail. Let’s see how Earth responds.”

I love how he says this. It's as if he thinks the world a) will solely blame and b) won't forgive advertisers for killing his precious Site Formerly Known As Twitter :cry:
Can you remember the riots and outpouring of emotion when MySpace died?

No? That's because it was a social media site that rose and fell and the world and society largely shrugged and went, 'Ah well.....oooh, Facebook'

If Twitter does fail, I'm pretty sure the way historians will study its downfall will be more about the impact of letting a person like Elon head up such a company than anything else.
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