The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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but all along I think I've been arguing for the freedom to have an opinion
Unless we've gone full on Minority Report I'm not sure anyone has ever been punished for having an opinion, however if you're going to give voice to that opinion people rightly want to know if it's an informed opinion and if so what the information was that lead them to forming such an opinion.

As Tim Minchin once said...
A famous bon mot asserts that opinions are like ****-holes, in that everyone has one. There is great wisdom in this… but I would add that opinions differ significantly from ****-holes, in that yours should be constantly and thoroughly examined.

We must think critically, and not just about the ideas of others. Be hard on your beliefs. Take them out onto the verandah and beat them with a cricket bat.... Be intellectually rigorous. Identify your biases, your prejudices, your privilege.
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Ah Tucker spreading his misinformation and fear and Elon falling for it and promoting it. Elon is a complete sucker for this crap, for a man with such intelligence why is he so gullible? I can't imagine Zuckerberg, Bezos or any similar figure being such a sucker for this crap.

But Twitter is the ultimate source of truth huh Elon :rolleyes:

Ah Tucker spreading his misinformation and fear and Elon falling for it and promoting it. Elon is a complete sucker for this crap, for a man with such intelligence why is he so gullible? I can't imagine Zuckerberg, Bezos or any similar figure being such a sucker for this crap.

But Twitter is the ultimate source of truth huh Elon :rolleyes:

Musk is such a transparent **** stirrer and people are complete idiots if they think otherwise.

Always posting **** like "is this true!?" And "did they really say that?".

I don't know Elon, maybe instead of reading the posts of, and asking for confirmation from nutjobs on twitter, you should go and find out through verified sources...
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Ah Tucker spreading his misinformation and fear and Elon falling for it and promoting it.

Did he retweet it too or something? It looks like he just questioned it there so seems like a stretch to say he fell for it. He's quite capable of voicing his opinion on stuff where he has an opinion, if he replies to stuff with a question then you're likely gonna get a community note there though in this case Tucker is prominent anyway so community notes on something contentious is likely anyway.
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Did he retweet it too or something? It looks like he just questioned it there so seems like a stretch to say he fell for it. He's quite capable of voicing his opinion on stuff where he has an opinion, if he replies to stuff with a question then you're likely gonna get a community note there though in this case Tucker is prominent anyway so community notes on something contentious is likely anyway.

He is clearly promoting it just by replying to it, that is the affect of his account. And I notice he hasn't come back to call bull **** of Tucker's post. If he believes in Twitter being all about truth he should be doing exactly that. He can't have it both ways, well he can becuase its his platform but he can't expect to be taken seriously with his ludicrous claims of Twitter being the ultimate truth.
He is clearly promoting it just by replying to it, that is the affect of his account. And I notice he hasn't come back to call bull **** of Tucker's post.

He doesn't need to, that's what community notes is for. He's not promoting it as being true, he's literally just openly questioned it and community notes has answered; that's a feature of twitter/X that he's introduced in order to address misinformation.
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He doesn't need to, that's what community notes is for. He's not promoting it as being true, he's literally just openly questioned it and community notes has answered; that's a feature of twitter/X that he's introduced in order to address misinformation.

You are being far far to generous. And who knows how many hours after his reply before community notes was added. He promotes Tucker's content all the time, any time Tucker posts need video content Elon promotes it. I'd like to see him call Tucker a liar, he is a liar and I thought truth mattered to Elon but we all know that is bull ****, clicks is all he cares about, truth is subjective for him.
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It's pretty obvious that the reference is to the early 20th century and a supposed intelligent mind like Musk really ought to have offered up something other than the usual gruel, mundane 'legitimate questions' garbage he seems to enjoy spamming. Every single time America tries to isolate itself from Europe's troubles it invariably gets dragged in regardless at much greater cost, though I'm sure Musk secretly would enjoy the chance to emulate Ford.
I suspect as ever its being quoted out of context.

Imagine its was really more "if we don't supply Ukraine with support now and let them deal with Russia now I may end up sending all your Uncles, sons etc to fight in Europe if it escalates into NATO territory"

Standard semi truth politics

That pretty much is the actual quote. Sec Def was saying that if Russia is allowed to win we could face a far more serious threat down the road that will involve NATO obligations. As per usual Tucker twists the truth to stoke the fear and outage that he has based his whole career around.

Look I don't care if people like Tucker spread their lies on Twitter. What I don't like is Elon's hypocrisy and outright bull ****. He promotes this guy and then claims Twitter is the source of truth, you can trust Twitter, you can't trust other sources. Its lies and its dangerous. He's little better than Tucker with statements like that.
What I don't like is Elon's hypocrisy and outright bull ****. He promotes this guy and then claims Twitter is the source of truth, you can trust Twitter, you can't trust other sources. Its lies and its dangerous. He's little better than Tucker with statements like that.

But you haven't shown any lie there by Elon, you've shown him asking a question and then made some grumble about it promoting Tucker on the platform, as if Tucker doesn't have a large audience already.

And what actual quote are you referring to re: Elon and Twitter being a source of truth? What context? Was he referring to, for example, community notes; the very thing that is used when someone like Tucker makes some claim or tweets something out of context and a note can be added giving a correction to it or giving the context as that seems to have worked rather well there.
Jesus ******* Christ.

This man is legitimately unhinged - and the people ******* him off in the comments are exactly the kinds of people that happily voted for Hitler.

Absolutely ridiculous, Alex Jones has been correct about a lot of stuff, including predicting 9/11.

Why do you care you all hate X anyway. Go to Threads.
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