The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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Can you remember the riots and outpouring of emotion when MySpace died?

No? That's because it was a social media site that rose and fell and the world and society largely shrugged and went, 'Ah well.....oooh, Facebook'

If Twitter does fail, I'm pretty sure the way historians will study its downfall will be more about the impact of letting a person like Elon head up such a company than anything else.
Absolutely - well said.

Sometimes, you step out your comfort zone and **** things up - he should stick to what he knows
Main difference is between the left and right is that the right will indeed allow hard left wing nutters to have their say.


The usual nonsense from sity. The right love a bit of the old cancel culture and immediately shut down opposing views.

Just go to and try saying anything their hive mind doesn't like, you'll be banned faster than than you can say Trump is a moron.

The usual nonsense from sity. The right love a bit of the old cancel culture and immediately shut down opposing views.

Just go to and try saying anything their hive mind doesn't like, you'll be banned faster than than you can say Trump is a moron.

Cancel culture doesn't exist. And every day I spend on the Internet seems to prove that to be the case.

The usual nonsense from sity. The right love a bit of the old cancel culture and immediately shut down opposing views.

Just go to and try saying anything their hive mind doesn't like, you'll be banned faster than than you can say Trump is a moron. is not a business like FB, X, Instagram etc. Its a fan site, you wouldn't expect anything else.

I speak nonsense do I? what was I saying in that Ukraine thread about a year ago. The lines will be the same, Russia will not be going backwards. The only thing what will happen is more sacrifice of human life to try and damage Russia economically. It was sick what the West got Ukraine to do. Boris telling Zelensky not to negotiate.

Its disgusting.
Err what?
This will not bring back advertisers, it will only discourage them more. This throws that argument out the window.

Seriously you lefties and free speech. It terrifies you.
Very strange. You all got brainwashed in schools.

Remind me again which party and groups in the US are actively passing laws to ban books, and sending out the requests to ban books because they're doing things as bad as teaching actual history not made up fantasy intended to make people feel better about the slaves their great grandparents tortured, raped and murdered, or because a book teaches basic biology or teaches some critical thinking.

I always find it highly amusing that Animal Farm which was banned in some communist countries had a film partly funded by the CIA and the right in US are now repeatedly trying to ban it and 1984 etc.

Remind me again which party and groups in the US are actively passing laws to ban books, and sending out the requests to ban books because they're doing things as bad as teaching actual history not made up fantasy intended to make people feel better about the slaves their great grandparents tortured, raped and murdered, or because a book teaches basic biology or teaches some critical thinking.

I always find it highly amusing that Animal Farm which was banned in some communist countries had a film partly funded by the CIA and the right in US are now repeatedly trying to ban it and 1984 etc.

Which books can you name them? is not a business like FB, X, Instagram etc. Its a fan site, you wouldn't expect anything else.

Well you would, based on you saying

Main difference is between the left and right is that the right will indeed allow hard left wing nutters to have their say.

And that is "right" (nothing to do with your shifting goalposts of now "iT's NoT a BuSiNeSs) so they should allow dissenting opinions according to you.

But if we ignore the rubbish you say, then yes I wouldn't expect anything else of 'the right' since ones political left/right leanings don't have much to do with their tolerance levels.
Doing you a favour.
Go look in that Ukraine thread. Which way do you think that is all playing out now?
Maybe you should do yourselves a favour and listen to someone other than the mainstream who get it wrong time and time again.
You know who wasn't mainstream?

Osama bin Laden.

Does that make him someone you should listen to?
Doing you a favour.
Go look in that Ukraine thread. Which way do you think that is all playing out now?
Maybe you should do yourselves a favour and listen to someone other than the mainstream who get it wrong time and time again.

Good job people like you and Roar weren't in charge in early 1940s or we'd all be speaking German now.

"Its going to be very difficult to win this war lads, its going to take time and come with a lot of pain"... "oh well lets just surrender then" :rolleyes:
But you haven't shown any lie there by Elon, you've shown him asking a question and then made some grumble about it promoting Tucker on the platform, as if Tucker doesn't have a large audience already.

And what actual quote are you referring to re: Elon and Twitter being a source of truth? What context? Was he referring to, for example, community notes; the very thing that is used when someone like Tucker makes some claim or tweets something out of context and a note can be added giving a correction to it or giving the context as that seems to have worked rather well there.

Elon promotes Tucker when he releases new video content on Twitter. Are you saying Elon promoting his content does nothing for his engagement? Tucker is a professional liar and spreader of misinformation, that makes Elon complicit.

Numerous times now Elon has posted that Twitter is the source of truth unlike "mainstream media". That is bull ****. You can't promote misinformation spreaders and then claim your platform is the source of truth. And of course he does love a CT himself.

Community notes is the one good thing he has done but its nowhere near big enough to cover Twitter. An article was posted a couple of weeks ago from someone who works on CT and it showed it was overwhelmed and notes could sit for days unpublished because of infighting amongst those working on it. Its a good idea but needs expanding 100x to deal with the dis/misinformation on the platform.
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