The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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The Incel Cheong lies? Why I never would have guessed!

Technically didn't lie? doesn't say he didn't shoot cops in the game.

EDIT: Funnily enough Elon Musk is a big Call of Duty fan and while I can't find it now had no such problems with "No Russian" but shooting cops instead of unarmed civilians apparently draws a line :s
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Or, you know, just behave like adults?

Spats/fights/whatever should just be outright 3 strikes, you're done. Bye.

Imagine needing a safe space in order to keep the triggering little blighters from annoying each other.

Getting rid of the troublemakers would cut down on moderation.

(Let it be known, I don't know what the stripped out content above contained, so if it was more of a personal nature, I do apologise)

Define troublemakers? Friends of the mods are safe, the rest of us not.
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Or, you know, just behave like adults?

Do you even life bro?

Which part of looking around this crazy world makes you think that 'adults' don't engage in spats and arguments over petty and insignificant issues?

Getting rid of the troublemakers would cut down on moderation.

Quite funny talking about banning people based on not liking what they say (as long as it's not illegal/hate speech) in a thread heavily based on the concept of freedom of speech :p
Do you even life bro?

Which part of looking around this crazy world makes you think that 'adults' don't engage in spats and arguments over petty and insignificant issues?

Quite funny talking about banning people based on not liking what they say (as long as it's not illegal/hate speech) in a thread heavily based on the concept of freedom of speech :p
And on a forum where you can't swear.
Do you even life bro?

Which part of looking around this crazy world makes you think that 'adults' don't engage in spats and arguments over petty and insignificant issues?

Quite funny talking about banning people based on not liking what they say (as long as it's not illegal/hate speech) in a thread heavily based on the concept of freedom of speech :p

This thread isn't about freedom of speech. It's about dunking on Elon musk cause everytime he opens his mouth it's a goldmine of trash
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Quite funny talking about banning people based on not liking what they say (as long as it's not illegal/hate speech) in a thread heavily based on the concept of freedom of speech :p

Especially given some of @Fubsy's previous comments ITT:

Yet again.
Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence.

I respectfully disagree with all you posted.
Especially progress. Unless you can specify what we are progressing towards, it's a hollow statement. Hitler made progress, for example and I'm sure that is not what you meant.

The bit I have quoted. That is your opinion.
How far would you take your statement? It's not absolute, is it? How do you define what speech should be punished, who is the judge? How is it tested for fairness, consistency and ensure it does not fall to mob rule?

It is an easy opinion to hold when you share many of the same values of the current social narrative or are willfully swayed to keep in favour with peers - it's human nature to want to fit in with the crowd after all, it's a survival instinct. Will you about turn on your beliefs should the balance of public opinions change? Have you thought about changing your name to Kier Starmer? ;)

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@Irish_Tom in the interests of good faith, I based my perception of the thread bans as down to off-topic spats between posters that have history for it, not that they had any decent contributions to make to the "bash daddy Elon thread". I also have a history on threads like this as being opposed to 'block lists' on this forum and Twitter. I feel they are the tool of the echo chamber and not to be used as a mode of attack as some do.

Content that is way off topic, and constitutes arguing down to a personal level on the forum, should be done in private by those posters.

I'm sure I've said it on this forum before, but that type of "combat by post" could also be made public for those that like to see posters engage in demented back and forths. There are some on here that like to cheer along with their emoji reactions. It's a puerile form of entertainment, but each to their own.

It ruins the experience for everyone else. Is against the forum rules (personal attacks?), and goes beyond sharing an opinion. It breaches the peace. I'd argue that is precisely why certain posters utilise that style, it detracts from the points being made and shuts down any reasonable debate. Another of my long standing beliefs is that any opinion has a right to be challenged, but it has to be done in good faith, otherwise what you are doing is not replying but mocking/belittling/attacking... in other words, doing everything you can to shut any type of debate down so that the original point has been diminished in some way without adding much new. "Well, what about the trash opinions, that are clearly false, that don't deserve my time to debate on a level-pegging basis?" I hear you say - well, that's where you just have to choose your battles, write out lengthy posts, re-read them, decide you just CBA with the grief today, and self-censor ;) or.... settle down with a nice brew and have at it until you realise your opinion wasn't based on a good enough foundation to start with, you've been beaten fair and square (and hopefully learnt something), you're still right (in your 'unchallenged' opinion) but the forum riff-raff have in a tidal wave of posts just missed your point by picking on small points to larger ones, you get called Hitler five replies in..... It's uncontrollable I know, but you can't lose your temper (I have done on occasion on others behalf, I can't stand the bad faith posting I see sometimes) and start attacking the poster rather than the idea, no matter how many times you've clashed across the boards.

Maybe a happy medium - keep the posts, hide them in spoilers, leave them up for all to see and instead have a 'note' (like community notes) that explains what has happened and why it has been moderated. Maybe people would think twice before entering into such public silliness if they knew it wouldn't be moderated out to protect the reputation of the site, uphold the rules and kept on display for the community to see.

Another edit: to condense my thought's further. I'd not like to see OcUK descend into the style of Twitter "debate". There's a good reason I would NEVER engage on that platform, and that's because it's just one big massive waste of time. For all the effort you put in, no one will ever read your well thought out contribution, and if they did, some twit can come along and post some boobs next to it.

There's a reason people hold certain opinions, and most of the time I find it's because they haven't had the freedom to explore them.

Freedom of speech is great, but all along I think I've been arguing for the freedom to have an opinion, and the freedom to have it challenged and not dismissed (deleted/hidden/drowned in a sea of slurry) or punished. Let people have their opinions, in my experience the sharing of one is an invitation to test it, in a good faith manner, and maybe improve on it, change it, develop it or if all paths lead to it, discard it. Not laugh at it, ridicule it, or go telling their employer so they lose their job/get banned/publicly shunned etc.
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Let people have their opinions

If I could share my opinions for real I would 100% be banned and suspended for a life time. I bite my tongue but when you see posts over and over from the same person who constantly has personal attacks then there's something seriously wrong somewhere. It's better IMO to block someone permanently then there's no problems then.

It's why block features are added.
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