If it's classed as a light truck in the US it's subject to different regulations than cars.
Not really allowed in Europe but it may well turn out to be less deadly though regardless as obvs current regulations are for dumb vehicles without fancy sensors, self driving etc..
Musk has been "dumbing" down the teslas already dumb sensors...
There are issues with the current ones since he removed the "unnecessary" sonar based close in detection as "cameras are enough" (please ignore the fact that they're blinded by the sun and have massive blind spots due to positioning), so they're unable to spot a human in a well lit garage, or spot things like fence posts or low walls behind them.
There is no way a vehicle with zero thought to pedestrian impact will get approval in the EU, even EU trucks are designed with pedestrian safety in mind, it's one of the reasons we have the "cab over engine" designs, they allow the driver to have a much smaller blind spot directly in front of the vehicle, meanwhile US SUV's are hitting the point where forget about seeing a small child, you can't see a small car if it's too close to your front bumper.
I'm not joking, there is at least one combination of SUV and currently for sale small car where the SUV driver cannot see it, and an increasing number of SUV's where the driver cannot see a small adult if they're directly in front of them, it's one of the reasons the US has been seeing an increase in the number of children killed in road accidents, especially around the house, the drivers litterally cannot see a child, someimes for several feet in front of them. The solution that some companies are going for is to fit "front cameras" (which at least are being fitted to actually see the front of the car to remove that blind spot, unlike Tesla's).
50% heavier than a Land Rover. That’s part of the reason why it’s so dangerous to (American) pedestrians.
IIRC in the UK you'd need either an older (re 97 I think) driving licence where it defaulted to 3.5 ton vans, or to pass an additional test to get category for that weight just to drive it, and I suspect our insurance companies will look at it and go "nope" or "we'll insure you, if you really want. That'll be several thousands of pounds a year please, you do have a clean record don't you?".