It’s also a majority female country, so that can’t explain it.
I mean, it can. In the same way most careers are either male or female dominated.
Not really.
Pundits have been hired as they were former professional football players, for example on match of the day. There have been both white and black pundits, and also non-british pundits.
Eni Aluko is a pundit as she's a professional football player. I haven't seen any evidence she is a "diversity hire" or whatever the expression is. If that evidence exist (@Roar87 ), I'd like to see it.
I would suggest she is at least partially a diversity hire as one of few high profile black female ex-players. They will have been very keen to sign her up as a pundit. The problem with football as an example is that its clearly not a meritocracy when it comes to jobs like punditry. Fundamentally, the characteristics they value are things like name and face recognition, can string 2 words together, ex-professional. Thats it. They are unlikely to lose out in any of those areas by also ticking the diversity box.
Its basically a win win. Who knows, perhaps they didn't even consider her race when signing her up but I would imagine it was part of her appeal.