This didn't age very well, did it.
These are the type of people quoted in news stories that people believe so readily.
didn't you just try and tell everyone you know exactly what is happening because you listened to a podcast lol
A few days away from the thread and Roar is back in his mega Elon defence mode it seems.
Answer me this Roar. If you bought a house for £1m that was worth £500k and failed to read the survey on it that told you it had subsidence, dry rot and was full of asbestos, would you be an idiot or a genius? That is what Elon did and he did it out of ego, he thought he knew better.
I've still got 4 pages to catch up on, I'm sure there will be some more Elon simping to follow
lol this is just so funny to read. thanksElon Musk lost all of his money, he'd still be one of the richest humans to ever live, not that he seems to care about acquiring personal wealth since he doesn't even own a house and lives in a tiny place worth $50k
...Twitter is more popular than ever...
The number of people using Twitter in the US has decreased almost 9% since Elon Musk took over, according to a recent study. In October 2022, just before Musk took ownership, the study found, 32.4% of Americans were using Twitter. In December and January, that figure had dropped to 29.5%. is predicted to lose almost 4% of its users in 2023 and 5% in 2024, meaning over 32 million users will leave the platform, according to an annual decline forecast by Insider Intelligence, which has been tracking the platform since 2008.
As well as the platform not being as stable as it once was.......and works perfectly fine. February alone, Twitter experienced at least four widespread outages, compared with nine in all of 2022, according to NetBlocks, an organization that tracks internet outages. That suggests the frequency of service failures is on the rise, NetBlocks said. And bugs that have made Twitter less usable - by preventing people from posting tweets, for instance — have been more noticeable, researchers and users said.
Only a year-ago he had $128m worth of properties ( that he seems to care about acquiring personal wealth since he doesn't even own a house and lives in a tiny place worth $50k
Your posting behaviour is really odd, and always very aggressive. Or maybe it just comes across that way.
I am confused why you, and a few others have what seems like a personal vendetta against Elon and the way he does his business. I do try and stay neutral on this, and not judge until there is an actual measurement to really do so on. But could you summarise for me why you dislike him so much?
Because so far, apart from potentially losing some of his own money, I can't see many reasons why yourself and one or two other users have such a hatred (maybe you don't) towards him.
It's not a house though is it, it's a company, Twitter is more popular than ever and works perfectly fine. Maybe your mental health would thank you if you didn't need to participate so vociferously in recreational hate and online flame wars. Even if Twitter went under and Elon Musk lost all of his money, he'd still be one of the richest humans to ever live, not that he seems to care about acquiring personal wealth since he doesn't even own a house and lives in a tiny place worth $50k
There seems to be an undeniable correlation between posters' political views, both on here, and generally, and their approval or disapproval of Musk now owning Twitter. So I have to conclude it's perhaps more political than a strong, apolitical daily worry about Twitter's potential viability and future financial performance...
Its not hatred - I don’t have that much emotionally invested in him. My issue with him is the way he basically comes up with ideas that he makes out are technological revolutions, and everyone laps it up like he’s some tech Jesus without doing any actual research into it. If you followed the news articles and the way the press report his antics then you wouldn’t know any better, but once you start questioning things he says and doing some ‘research’ (I hate that phrase as I sound like an anti-vaxxer or something…) you find things aren’t as rosy as they first appear, in an Emperor’s New Clothes sort of way…
I’ll stick with one particular item which he makes sound ridiculously easy and on the surface it makes sense - using the Sabatier process to make methane on Mars using the carbon dioxide atmosphere. This is fine, and it IS possible, just not on the scales that would be needed to actually fuel a Starship.
When you start looking into all the other claims he makes about what Starship will do and stop taking his word at face value, you see a whole different side to the Musk Empire.
In the same vein, you can listen to Elon talking about why he bought Twitter and what he wants it to be, how he was all about free speech and didn’t care about the economics etc, but following the timeline of events and the decisions he made (in my opinion) show it in a completely different light.
You really do believe all the propaganda don't you
I don't give a damn how much money he has. Do you see me commenting on any other rich people or even mention his wealth being a problem? I do think they should all be taxed more but that is a separate issue. I just don't get the defence you like to run on the guy. When people **** up they deserve to get the **** taken, especially when they do it so publically. Also Elon appears to have this belief he is above the rules and his wealth sadly does mean he kind of is. He shouldn't be though, no one should be and when he breaks the rules there should be a price to pay. In this case his arrogance by not employing the experts (lawyers) meant he was forced by US contractual law to buy Twitter for a price it was never worth, he then loaded it with debt and complained it was broke, yeah loading it with $b of debt tends to do that.
I like SpaceX, it is cool as ****. I just don't get sucked into this propaganda crap that he is some great guy who cares about humanity, its bull ****. He has done nothing to help humanity with his ridiculous wealth or his businesses. He went out of his way to destroy a public transport project in California because it would hurt his car sales. Elon is about Elon. He doesn't care about anyone. His arrogance is off the scale and with his power and reach its dangerous. I don't think he should own Twitter, I don't think any one person should own a company such as Twitter. I apply that to Zuckerberg at Facebook as well, he shouldn't have that much power, no one should. They should be publicly traded companies with no one having a share where they can dictate how the company is run.
Oh and my metal health is just fine, thanks for your concern.
I'm not reading any of this, you need to get a hobby or something
Thanks. I'm sat on the toilet waiting for yesterday's lasagna to drop, and you've managed to make me laugh by coercing the funniest post from roar in the last few days.You've made how many posts in the last few pages? I've made 4 (with this one) and its me that need a hobby. Maybe go do some arm work Roar if you don't want to reply.
You've made how many posts in the last few pages? I've made 4 (with this one) and its me that need a hobby. Maybe go do some arm work Roar if you don't want to reply.
I did Squats earlier, my legs are pretty sore now. My actual point was though that your posts are just full of hate and criticism, there's nothing constructive in there, or even anything that hasn't been said ad nauseum.
Front squats or back squats? If your arse isn’t sore you’re doing it wrong.
Forever aloneBack Squats but I wore trainers with a bit of a heel because I don't want my glutes and hammies fried for Deadlifts. Plus I ******* hate Front Squats..
I did Squats earlier, my legs are pretty sore now. My actual point was though that your posts are just full of hate and criticism, there's nothing constructive in there, or even anything that hasn't been said ad nauseum.