The ongoing Elon Twitter saga: "insert demographic" melts down

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On a smaller scale ad blockers are now using this to get around ad block walls. They have a background script that clicks on every advertisement to trick the website into thinking you are seeing and interacting with ads

It also trolls advertisers because they get zero value from their ads and it will be the same thing here where AI is navigating to every possible piece of content on the web
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FinTwit aka....Financial Twitter. People at the top of the game talking about everything macro.

Exactly what it says on the tin. People who are extremely well respected talking about their ideas. It's like being in a lecture room listening to your tutor.

Is it by any chance because they say things that you want to hear, or do you actively disagree with some of it but continue to follow? Just asking as I seem to recall you making pro Brexit/anti EU posts that suggested you weren't too big on objective facts.
Is it by any chance because they say things that you want to hear, or do you actively disagree with some of it but continue to follow? Just asking as I seem to recall you making pro Brexit/anti EU posts that suggested you weren't too big on objective facts.

Literally the whole point of it. To listen to views different to my own
You think its been good? People glued to their phones, not having conversations, becoming obsessed with likes and depressed if they don't get them. Anti science being spread, where once people who believed in things such as 5G giving you cancer would be a tiny almost invisible minority, they are now front and centre with millions of followers and all they have to do is shout the loudest and they gain followers. I think you could argue that societies losing faith in the democratic process has grown due to social media and how easily the masses are manipulated by bad actors on it.

I don't see any of those things above being good for society/the world. Yes some good things have come from it but imo they are far outweighed by the bad.

This is all true but then you have to balance that out with all the positives. People do have better access to information that can save or improve lives, improve education and knowledge, increase awareness of global issues.

In a country where social media is highly restricted like China or poverty prevents wide spread access then life is generally not better.
. The onlyy thing that makes me doubt it's entirely due to ai, is because if that's true, it can wait 4/5 days. There's no way this was destroying twitter and making it unusable, like the current method has for some.

It surely could have waited a few more days, given more time for a better solution too.
yeah, making a critical change on a Saturday means it was a sev-zero emergency with action determined in a war-room by the most senior on-call Ops engineers.

If it was planned it would have happened Monday or Tuesday
but what makes absolutely zero dense is limiting everyone's access when it would be trivial to simply limit the few dozen servers that are doing the scraping.
is it he limiting the average persons genuine use at all
.... it all seems analogous to UK/welsh government limiting the advertising/sale of high fatsaltsugar items in the supermarket to reduce (physical) obesity,
and similarly might help digital health, so, maybe it's commendable on Musk's part.

Literally the whole point of it. To listen to views different to my own
as he said you may not be receiving the full spectrum of views - the false perception of a market square;
common language alone compartmentalizes a lot of discussion - if I want a wider perspective on what is really happening in france I read a french newspaper

He's doing his normal create drama and get free PR.

If the rate limit and blocking people who ain't signed in were for valid reasons a more sensible limit would've been chosen, not X requests per day but per hour or something, and all stopping people who aren't signed in achieves is making people feel like they're missing out (FOMO) in the hope they'll open an account.
Extreme data scraping ? If only Twitter had reasonably priced Api's that dont make dozens of other client requests when called like the front end does.

Of course thats on the premise that he's not bs'ing to cover some other self inflicted disaster involving unpaid bills , disabled services , sacked engineers etc.
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so is there a restriction on embeds too (imposed per viewer IP address say, or even on host ie. OC) , they are coming from his cloud too,
or, if you have an account is viewing an embed counted (he probably knows it's you)
so is there a restriction on embeds too (imposed per viewer IP address say, or even on host ie. OC) , they are coming from his cloud too,
or, if you have an account is viewing an embed counted (he probably knows it's you)
I wondered how this works too, as embedding in this thread can be over the limit for the domain. It would make more sense if it's ip specific
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