As long as they were financially secure from either benefits or pension.
I'd say you're in the minority with that thinking.
But mention the former and its an immediate red flag.
I think that would be an immediate red flag for most people. I think you're not seeing it from another side. While you are right it shouldn't matter what someone does, or in this case doesn't, do. As long as the personality is good enough then that should be enough. But that's not a realistic viewpoint. People tend to want to get into a relationship and do things together. Be it travel the world, buy a house/move in with one another and generally experience life. That becomes much harder to do if you are relying on benefits as your main source of income.
I actually think it's rather selfish to expect someone to date someone with little or no income. Life is for experiences and a lot of experiences cost money and the sad fact is you just can't really live a full life if on benefits or if only one of you is earning.
Lots of people are 'unemployed' with more money than employed people have. The 'what do you do' is one of the most useless questions to ask to assess whether or not to date someone.
There probably are lots of unemployed people with more money than employed people and if you're lucky enough to be in a position you have lots of of money and time that's going to make you more desirable than someone working 60 hours a week and no time to build a connection.
But asking what someone does is just a way of getting to know someone. You can work out their interests from what they do for a job/studied. I work with computers. I said "I work with computers because they don't talk back and I don't like people" No mention of my wage but they see I work in computing and can probably work out I like technology.
I've never once been asked how much I earn.
Also its never an issue if women aren't employed is it? How many women get to stay at home and raise kids?
Are you saying it's not an issue for women who are at home with kids, and presumably in a relationship already?! Otherwise as I've pointed out and while I can only speak for myself, I
would not date anyone who wasn't working. I'd date someone on minimum wage, their wage is irrelevant, but I would absolutely not date a woman who wasn't employed. I expect I am not alone in that thinking but you have to come to terms that men do have to work a bit harder to stand out.