The Online Dating Journey

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'Personality' cannot be assessed from messages sent online. If people refuse to actually speak to me irl, then my personality is never the limiting factor.
Of course it can, whether it's your actual personality or an online persona is the difference but I've met people from here who are exactly as you'd expect them to be by the way they present themselves online.
It's quite clear from the 2000 odd posts BallistixOnZ490 has made he seems to never accept responsibility for any of his own issues and situation. He also comes across as rather unpleasant. It's therefore not a surprise to read that he struggles on the dating scene.
Well why are either unemployed or hobbies never the correct answer then?

Because it usualy means low motivation, boring, or lazy?

Long term voluntary unemployment isn't very attractive it's even a bit annoying amongst friends. Especially if you're a tax payer
My response when I was online dating - “I’m in car sales, so expect terrible aftershave, cheap suits and awful patter. Fancy a drink for you to experience this in the real world?”

I work with computers. I said "I work with computers because they don't talk back and I don't like people"

Note the self depreciating joke here used by the successful online daters?

Both replies show humility and an ability to laugh at oneself, they have wit, they are not trying to impress.

In fact they're actively going out of their way to make themselves sound bad, but it works? It's nice isn't it it made you smile and feel a connection for them?

Not because of pity or woe is me but because it shows they're comfortable enough with themselves that they can be the butt of the joke, which means they actually must be really quite above what they say.

And it's very easy to think of something to reply to.

"I sell cars"

"I work in computers"

Is very hard to reply to, but their little jokes there's loads of flirtatious banter I can say back off the tip of my tongue which means that reply is much more likely to happen.

You've got to make it easy
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