****The Playstation 3 Slim Thread****

I don't need linux, or card readers.

Just want blu ray, games and some form of storage. It's still compatible with play TV right? Is Play TV worth getting?

It'll do all three of those just as well (well better if you have a good surround sound amp!) as the 'fat' PS3. Afaik PlayTV is still supported yes as all it is is a TV tuner that plugs into the PS3 via USB and software installed on the PS3 itself to work with the tuner. I'd say it's worth it if you don't own a PVR already, it's more than sufficient. Just in case wait and make sure it is supported but i'd be shocked if Sony were strange enough to break the compatibility with it, if it isn't supported you'll hear about it within hours of the 'slims' official release as there's bound to be at least a few people upgrading that already own playtv.
Aye, me too.

There have been bad things said about the security of that site, with a lot of people online saying that you will have your details stolen. I will admit I had some fraud on my card a few months ago so I'm preying that it's not related :(
Aye, me too.

There have been bad things said about the security of that site, with a lot of people online saying that you will have your details stolen. I will admit I had some fraud on my card a few months ago so I'm preying that it's not related :(

Me too.....I wondered where my details were stolen from? :(
Apparently it was a security certificate weakness which was exploited, not sure if that makes it their fault or what. They have however updated said certificate since then so it should be secure.
Reading the forums on their site it was a much bigger problem and not isolated to them. For the record I've shopped there quite a bit and never had any problem - although admittedly not for a while as their prices aren't as competitive as they once were.

But that price for the PS3 changes that! Very seriously tempted by that. Found Killzone 2 online for £15 in the Platinum range due out that Friday too... sooooo... close to clicking order.

They still don't ship the PS3 with an HDMI cable though it seems - which is very stange. They sell the console as ths 'true HD experience', make a big deal about 1080p and BluRay and then don't even ship with HDMI :confused: Still, cheap HDMI cable is only a fiver so no biggie, but does just add to the weirdness!
Yeah it should all be in the past and only been flagged once in 2 years +

I like the way that you are swayed by the cheaper pre-order.

Cheap preorder vs online banking fraud........ well worth it :D (I am taking the same risk!)
They still don't ship the PS3 with an HDMI cable though it seems - which is very stange. They sell the console as ths 'true HD experience', make a big deal about 1080p and BluRay and then don't even ship with HDMI :confused: Still, cheap HDMI cable is only a fiver so no biggie, but does just add to the weirdness!
Hmm, isn't component still HD though? I think it is, but I'm not an AV guy so I don't know for sure.
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