I don't need linux, or card readers.
Just want blu ray, games and some form of storage. It's still compatible with play TV right? Is Play TV worth getting?
It'll do all three of those just as well (well better if you have a good surround sound amp!) as the 'fat' PS3. Afaik PlayTV is still supported yes as all it is is a TV tuner that plugs into the PS3 via USB and software installed on the PS3 itself to work with the tuner. I'd say it's worth it if you don't own a PVR already, it's more than sufficient. Just in case wait and make sure it is supported but i'd be shocked if Sony were strange enough to break the compatibility with it, if it isn't supported you'll hear about it within hours of the 'slims' official release as there's bound to be at least a few people upgrading that already own playtv.