****The Playstation 3 Slim Thread****

I receive my new PS3 slim yesterday , very happy but 1 problem it does make more noise then my old PS3 , not sure if to take it back ?

Anybody else finding this problem ? i sometime wear headphone so i dont notice until i take them off

Yes, but that noise seems to stay consistent, my old 40 gb was inaudible when I switched it on but after playing a game it was definitely louder than my slim, my slim seems to keep the same volume no matter how long it's been on.
Is anyone else's quite clunky when it ejects or accepts a disc? Sounds much rougher than my old 40GB. Not a problem, just was surprised it wasn't as smooth as I expected it to be. (only just seen that a blue LED comes on too, which is pretty :D)

Yes it is a bit more 'clunky', quite a few people have noticed this (reviewers also) it's normal tbh, I guess it's because it's a different drive, mine isn't so bad inserting disks but ejecting there is quite a loud thud, will be interesting to see if it effects the life span of the drive, I guess only time will tell.
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