****The Playstation 3 Slim Thread****

Don't know where you heard that? I've done it via the "Backup Utility". You just can't do it manually.

You managed to backup the SF data and restore it to a 'different' ps3 ?, I know it can be backed up and restored to the same system, for example when upgrading a HDD, but I wasn't aware it could be backed up and restored to another system.
I was under the impression that by deactivating on your PS3, it would give you +1 activations on a different machine anyway?
I'm pretty sure I've shared my Super Stardust HD with 4 other people, yet I've activated it on two different systems myself when I swapped up my 60GB for an 80GB.

Yes you can, but we are talking about 'game saves', they are a different kettle of fish, 'some' game saves are copy protected and can't be transferred or restored onto another system.


"*Copy-protected data cannot be restored."

I'm not sure how comprehensive this list is but here you go guys,


Game saves which are copy protected:

Brain Challenge
Dark Mist
The Eye Of Judgment
Fat Princess
Killzone 2
LocoRoco Cocoreccho!
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Mega Man 9
Mercenaries 2: World In Flames
Need For Speed: Carbon
Rock Band
Rock Band 2
Skate 2
Street Fighter IV
Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
UFC: Undisputed

Games saves patched to remove copy protection:

MotorStorm: Pacfic Rift
Resident Evil 5


Now like I said, I think you can back them up using the back up utility in system settings but only if they are being restored to the same system, the way I see it is that they are tied to the system they were created on, I don't think they can be restored to a new/different system.
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Can I just ask people who are trading in a normal PS3 for a slim....


Because I prefer the new smaller form-factor, the matt finish that will match my 360 Elite, the lower power consumption, the hopefully quieter operating noise, the HD bit stream audio, and also because I traded in my old 40gb sku I upgrade the six axis pad to a DS3 pad, and finally I have a fresh one year warranty.

Heck, I never realised there were so many Gok Wans on this forum who make purchases based on how something looks.

You just found the apple forum :p
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It doesn't come with FW 3.0, it comes with FW 2.75, I think the reason why it didn't come preloaded was that they didn't want people to have the firmware early, which makes sense since shops have broken the official street date now, that way Sony gets to dictate when everyone gets the update.
This is why I didn't sell my system on the auction site, just couldn't be dealing with the potential hassle tbh.

If I was you EVH I would stand my ground, especially as said you clearly stated "no refunds", like you I'm guessing they've just realised that they could have grabbed a slim at the same/similar price and are just trying to get their money back.
I'm jealous !! :o

Mines come in at the video store but the dude won't let me have until Friday :(, he even showed me the box :mad:, should have pre-ordered on-line tbh.

Not the end of the world I guess but being it's my day off it's a little annoying.

<give an evil stare at elite in the corner>
Cancel or get a refund and just buy it elsewhere? :)

I rang a few 'video stores' (from the same chain) and they all said that were selling them today so I went back down there and had a moan, the guy then said I could have it but it hadn't been booked into the system yet so I'll have to wait until tomorrow, complete mickey mouse out fit my local store, anyway I don't mind waiting a day I suppose, he told me that I get 'Batman Arkham Asylum' with it for free so that cheered me as I actually wanted that game.
I got mine also :cool:

Bit late to the party I guess :o, I'm liking the new form factor, the light up buttons are a nice touch, it's very quiet, I'd say a smidging quieter than my 40gb sku so not bad at all, seems quite well built as well.

Bit of a bummer that I have to re-download and install all my games again though, that's going to take me ages.
I have a 40gb phat which has been upgraded to 80gb, if I was to trade it in for a slim + cash, would they give me the 40gb or 80gb value?

40GB Value.

Also to those who gave traded in their phat ps3, does it have to be boxed complete with all the gubbins? I.e manual, av cable ?

Well I know that the popular video rental store doesn't need the box/manual, but they do normally require all the cables that came with the system.
only just noticed last night that there's no on/off switch! which is annoying for me as i have it linked to my pc speakers and when the ps3 is on standby, i can hear this sort of static buzzing from the speakers.. :(



Very easy to fit.
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