The Police Application Thread

The amount of time given to answer the ridiculous amount of questions. Numeracy isn't my strong point and I had around 8 minutes to do 30 very tricky mental arithmatic :p

If I can do the discrete maths and engineering maths course at uni, I can do anything the PIRT throws at me :p

I tend to be quite good at those sorts of questions. How did you find the physical?
So, I passed :cool:

Bit harder than I thought It would be though. The physical was really easy, not an issue, however the written test was a lot more stressful.

There were three parts, the numerical test - questions weren't hard but the time limit made it a totally different game. You had on average 30sec per question and doing long division in that time only works if you don't make sully mistakes.

The second part was logical reasoning. You have a statement and some accompanying facts. You must then say whether the four following statements are true, false or it's impossible to say. This, so I thought would be quite straight forward until I got half the practice questions wrong. You really do need to concentrate, not easy with a tight deadline again.

The final part was summarising two witness statement. Not hard but it's weird using a 'pen' to write things again. :p

Interview is July 1st :)
Just a tip for the assessment centre, watch what you say to other candidates during the breaks as I've often heard they'll be listening to what people say both inside and outside of assessments. How true it is I don't know but I've heard it from different sources.

Best of luck to those who have their assessment centre coming up, be dressed to impress!

....I hope to god they didn't do that at my assessment centre. Some of the humour was an aquired taste :eek:
I failed my interview by one bloody mark :mad:

After hearing the feedback I'm pretty annoyed with myself. I could have done so much better but thats all perfectly obvious now I know what they're after.

I can go for another interview in a month apparently. :mad::mad::mad:
Its the waiting that I can't stand. I can be very patient on most things, but for some reason I really want to get my teeth into this and it's so frustrating that I have to wait yet another month.

I'm not going to give up, but I've never failed an interview before, so I think I may have been a little under-prepared and maybe a bit overconfident. Now that this has brought me down a peg or two, I think the next test shouldn't be too much of a problem.
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