The race and diversity one always catches people out. Do you have a copy of what you sent?
I don't but I'll try and find the questions and remember what I put for them. The only question I though I might have done poorly on was the 'planning and event at work or at home'.
Tell us about a time when you have used your communication skills to resolve a problem.
I used the example whilst at university that we had a powercut and I was the only one with any form of light so had to round everybody up by calling out to them and leading them to the lounge one by one and waited for power to return.
Tell us about a time when you have worked as part of a team that had a successful outcome.
For this I used the example of planning our final year exhibition at uni which involved everything from fund raising, marketing, regular meetings and the put up/take down.
Tell us about a time when you have followed through with a course of action despite someone else disagreeing with you.
My final project which was a practical piece that my tutors thought was too complicated/required too much skill & time that I didn't have. I completed it and graduated with a 2:1.
Give an example of when you have used your initiative.
I can't remember what I used for this but I struggled with this one.
Edit: I used the example of evacuating my housemates at university when there was a fire behind our house. Calling 999 for the fire service and then knocking for our neighbours to see if people were in/to evacuate them too.
Describe a time when you have planned an event either at work or at home.
For this all I could think of was organising my Dads suprise 50th birthday, so co-ordinated friends and family.
Tell us the reasons why you want to become a Special Constable.
I put stuff like wanting to help my local community, a sense of purpose, something challenging and rewarding. And to also see if a career as a regular would be for me.
Tell us what tasks you expect to be undertaking as a Special Constable.
For this I wrote all the duties that a regular would have with no less responsibility. Basically from information I found on the site and also from reading their SC's blogs/daily diaries.
These are quite brief answers as I'm at work so isn;t exactly what I typed just the general jist of it.
There was no race and diversity section as such just an 'equal oppurtunites'.
The rest of it was basically just information about yourself, employment, tattoo's, convictions, your family etc.