Sorry but why should the Police get free travel? No wonder the UK's citizens are taxed beyond belief.
Sorry but why should the Police get free travel? No wonder the UK's citizens are taxed beyond belief.
Nice thought, but a) you wouldn't pass recruitment and b) it'll be at least a 12 month wait at minimum. You may not both still be working together by that point.would applying to become a special to **** of the woman at work whose done it and now flouts around on a high horse all high and mighty be wrong?
cause her ending up on the beat with someone shes described as a degenerate would be worth the hassle.
Nice thought, but a) you wouldn't pass recruitment and b) it'll be at least a 12 month wait at minimum. You may not both still be working together by that point.
Northants Police are having a big drive but they're doing it for the wrong reason as do most coppers these days :/ Not for giving back it's more for looking down on someone. They talk about how you'll have the same legal authority as a regular copper. -_-
Nice thought, but a) you wouldn't pass recruitment and b) it'll be at least a 12 month wait at minimum. You may not both still be working together by that point.
she started way less than 12 months ago.
and what part would i fail on lol
Most forces are trying to get as many Specials as possible to plug the gaps. The reason they mention the powers is that there is a common confusion about Specials and PCSOs which they are trying to dispel rather than appealing to a certain demographic.
I didn't realise PCSO and Specials were different things
Just looked it up. So Specials are pretty much unpaid part time police officers as far as uniform/powers go etc?
For my understanding PCSOs are just paid to grass you up or take statements am I right? or do they have powers to do more?
Due to this section being repealed.Power to stop and search in authorised areas:
Powers under
the Terrorism Act 2000 in authorised areas to stop and search
vehicles and pedestrians when in the company and under the
supervision of a constable.
As of recently they have been granted more powers. Especially in the met. Differs from force to force though. Most can give FPN and detain. Pretty sure it's under the Police Reform Act
So they have handcuffs now? what happens if someone there trying to retain kicks off?
I don't see the point in paid PCSOs why not just use Specials for that role
For my understanding PCSOs are just paid to grass you up or take statements am I right? or do they have powers to do more?
To be honest. I doubt they have handcuffs. They can only detain for 30 minutes. Specials are normally on duty with paid officers whereas PCSO's work a beat in town centres etc.
e; PCSO's are allowed to carry and use them yet they are not often given them.
Some PCSOs have handcuffs such as BTP and a Welsh force (which one I forget). Their role isn't the same as a Police Officer's though, they are ring fenced to do some of community engagement work which is also a key part of the neighbourhood policing model. It's like a controller doesn't have any powers, but that doesn't mean they're not crucial in their role.
As for crewing, most of the time I am single crewed, so aren't crewed with a PC. Its actually quite nice when there is enough officers to double crew.
But going back to your earlier point. I had a conversation over twitter with a special over here and we have quite a few that are highly trained
I've heard of a trial in a force in the midlands who are having some Specials to be part of their Tactical Support Group (similar to the Met's TSG) which is some seriously Gucci training.