The Police Application Thread

That's bad, but constant obs is worse. You can turn off to some degree on a scene guard, you can't on a high risk detainee who is in hospital intent on harming themselves.

My colleague and I took over from two other officers who were at hospital with a DP for a domestic at around 2300. He was heavily in drink, "fighty" and constantly wanting to get off the bed. He was handcuffed and a right PITA.

He had diarrhea (communicable stomach bug) and then proceeded to deffocate himself. Great. Myself and my colleague then started taking turns to wait in the now horrifically smelling room and wait outside whilst the nurses organised themselves to sort him out.

Two nurses came into the room and started trying to get him up so they could strip him and clean him. He then stated he needed to urinate urgently, so they put him down again and got a kommode. As they had lifted him up **** started running down his leg and onto the floor so one nurse started cleaning that up. The other nurse wheeled in a kommode and I offered to help lift him onto it as the room was quite small. The removed his trousers and we started to manouver him onto it. As we lifted him onto the kommode he **** himself again, however it missed the centre of the commode and hit the edge spraying the whole room in liquid, brown, bacteria infested **** like a horriffic garden sprinkler. I almost was sick there and then. The nurses warned me not to put my hands anywhere my mouth and carried on like the steely troopers they are.

I couldn't scrub hard enough in the shower when I got home at 8am but I never felt clean enough. So yeah, I'd take a night scene guard over that any day.

Wow, and I thought the constant obs I did was bad...
Given budget and time restraints, it is a better use of both to train regulars than specials who, in theory, will use it far more often.

If all regulars are trained then training specials should be considered.

I believe a case by case basis would be fair, I think with my hours, my experience and the areas I work, I could justify the investment, but I appreciate that for many specials it would be a waste. Not many would be able/willing to get the time off work anyway.

It's frustrating when I know there are regular officers who are trained but very rarely use it, INPT officers for example.
I believe a case by case basis would be fair, I think with my hours, my experience and the areas I work, I could justify the investment, but I appreciate that for many specials it would be a waste. Not many would be able/willing to get the time off work anyway.

It's frustrating when I know there are regular officers who are trained but very rarely use it, INPT officers for example.

I completely agree. Most specials simply don't give the return to justify a response course, but some do. There are always exceptions to the rule which is why it needs to be flexible enough for all cases.
I'm jealous there Burnsey. It's worse than one I had a while ago where the bloke had made tiny little sand castles out of his own faeces and left them on the window ledge, and then cleaned his hands on the walls...
I'm jealous there Burnsey. It's worse than one I had a while ago where the bloke had made tiny little sand castles out of his own faeces and left them on the window ledge, and then cleaned his hands on the walls...

I also had a heroin addict in hospital, in hancuffs, trying to take a blood sample from his groin because a doctor couldn't seem to get a line in anywhere.

I don't like watching needles at the best of times, let alone in groins.
That's bad, but constant obs is worse. You can turn off to some degree on a scene guard, you can't on a high risk detainee who is in hospital intent on harming themselves.

My colleague and I took over from two other officers who were at hospital with a DP for a domestic at around 2300. He was heavily in drink, "fighty" and constantly wanting to get off the bed. He was handcuffed and a right PITA.

He had diarrhea (communicable stomach bug) and then proceeded to deffocate himself. Great. Myself and my colleague then started taking turns to wait in the now horrifically smelling room and wait outside whilst the nurses organised themselves to sort him out.

Two nurses came into the room and started trying to get him up so they could strip him and clean him. He then stated he needed to urinate urgently, so they put him down again and got a kommode. As they had lifted him up **** started running down his leg and onto the floor so one nurse started cleaning that up. The other nurse wheeled in a kommode and I offered to help lift him onto it as the room was quite small. The removed his trousers and we started to manouver him onto it. As we lifted him onto the kommode he **** himself again, however it missed the centre of the commode and hit the edge spraying the whole room in liquid, brown, bacteria infested **** like a horriffic garden sprinkler. I almost was sick there and then. The nurses warned me not to put my hands anywhere my mouth and carried on like the steely troopers they are.

I couldn't scrub hard enough in the shower when I got home at 8am but I never felt clean enough. So yeah, I'd take a night scene guard over that any day.

I hated constant obs or bed watches in hospital when I was in the prison service, it's boring and they always play up in hospital

I once had a women who cut her quad muscle down to the bone with a blade she acquired from a bic razor, seeing that being stitched up whilst cuffed to her was something else
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Bullied at school and want to get your own back on the society? Maybe you hate the Tories and want to be in a position where you can frame their chief whip. If this applies to you, then why not Join the Police?

Your local constabulary is looking for people who failed their Uni' degrees but are still quick witted enough to handle any situation (by making up spurious allegations on the spot).

Do you have good instincts and a 6th sense (by which we mean do you automatically assume that anyone under 25, wears a baseball cap and/or is black is probably doing something dodgy) then we want you!

You could earn slightly above minimum wage (£19k) and get the harass the general public for things like being drunk on a Saturday night, riding a bike through a red light or driving around with music playing at above EU approved decibel limits with absolutely no repercussions, and you get a free uniform with complimentary hat!

We used to only recruit men over 6' but thanks to new rules even slight woman with the intimidation level of a field mouse can apply.

So get your application in now!

People with a genuine interest in keeping their locality a crime free and pleasant place to live need not apply
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We've got the idea that you are no fan of the police and for the record I was never bullied at school although disliking the Tories may have credence. I have never, and will never, frame or even think about framing anyone and I assure you I'm no lone Serpico on that front.

Believe it or not, for every negative press release that you drool over, it is massively outweighed by good and selfless acts that is both all in a days work and of no interest to the media. As for the Plebgate Plonker, he is a disgrace and thankfully no longer in the service.

Do please shut up though estebanray. You are becoming quite the forum dullard with your tedious - not to mention untrue - allegations, but if you must feed your urge to spout generalisations and claptrap then might I suggest you pen letters to the Guardian or perhaps the Daily Mail or indeed any other anti-police publication that wouldn't know a true day's policing if it kicked them in the town halls.
We've got the idea that you are no fan of the police and for the record I was never bullied at school although disliking the Tories may have credence. I have never, and will never, frame or even think about framing anyone and I assure you I'm no lone Serpico on that front.

Believe it or not, for every negative press release that you drool over, it is massively outweighed by good and selfless acts that is both all in a days work and of no interest to the media. As for the Plebgate Plonker, he is a disgrace and thankfully no longer in the service.

Do please shut up though estebanray. You are becoming quite the forum dullard with your tedious - not to mention untrue - allegations, but if you must feed your urge to spout generalisations and claptrap then might I suggest you pen letters to the Guardian or perhaps the Daily Mail or indeed any other anti-police publication that wouldn't know a true day's policing if it kicked them in the town halls.

Seems like I hit a nerve.

Lighten up, it was a joke.
Bit of a thread bump, but curious if anyone is in the MOD police? Started researching other forces since the PSNI don't seem to be recruiting anytime soon. MOD police seems to tick a lot of the things I am looking for but wondering what it is really like
Police/Ambulance/Fireman/Nurses, may I take this chance to thank you all, the true angels of society, watching over us night and day whatever it takes.

there is a special place in heaven for you all.

Seriously? They get paid, it's hardly a charitable thing, you forgot lots of other key caring professionals as well btw
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