The Police Application Thread

Out of interest has anybody here managed to join as a special after initially not being 'short listed' with your first application? Were you contacted a couple months down the line? Or did it happen after your second or even third application?

If you haven't demonstrated the required competencies, then you won't be contacted. You've not been shortlisted because the application wasn't good enough, not because of numbers.
Thanks for clearing that up. Looks like I'll have to do a better job on the questions/gain some more 'life experience' next time assuming those were the likely weak areas.

The race and diversity one always catches people out. Do you have a copy of what you sent?
Anybody know how strict they are regarding this?

Depends on force. Not sure about Strathclyde. I know some forces will give you some leeway especially if you have a doctors note saying you are fit and healthy but some others are totally rigid on their policy.

I would suggest phoning and asking recruitment directly.

If you are fit it wont matter.

If only every force used 'coomon sense'. Unfortunately they don't.
It has since been watered down where you only need to achieve level 5.4 on the bleep at 15m intervals.

Personally, I don't see why they watered it down. I'm pretty unfit at the moment, but even I stopped at level 8 when I did it with no previous effort to get myself fit. I feel sorry for the people that struggle at 5.4 because it's a lot harder to run with all the equipment that you carry.
Thanks, I will ask at the familiarisation event this week.
As for fitness assessment criteria;

1.5 mile < 12mins
Push/Pull test 70kg

I believe that's it....

Oh and having a BMI >30! Haha

I'm not a fantastic runner because of my weight and height, but I am definitely fit and healthy.

What are you applying for?
This is where I would highly recommend the specials... I wasn't sure if it was right for me, joined the specials, and whilst it was interesting and a fantastic experience to do every so often and picking when, I soon realised it would not suit me as a day job.

That's pretty much my thoughts. I am wondering if it'd be better than IT though.
I meant to reply to this when you posted it but I've not had the time.

The fitness test involves a push pull test of 35kg and a 10 metre beep test of level 5.4. Most forces also have a BMI requirement of under 30. Your knee surgery will be taken in to account by occupation health but won't necessarily rule you out.

As part of the initial recruitment process there is a test on writing both spelling grammar and handwriting. You need a reasonably high standard to pass. There is also a mental maths test.
Fitness tests have been downgraded massively lately. 5.2 as a pass is a joke.

It was 9.0 when I joined, you had to pass that several times during your probation and public order medic qualification says you have to reach 10.2.

Just to correct myself, it's 5.4 on a 15m course. Not that it actually makes any difference. I really do need to sort my fitness out, I need to level up of Fitocracy :p
Edit: I forgot to add he's been in 3 years now and absolutely hates it! Apparently the shifts are horrid so he's thinking of transferring down here or leaving and going to college to become a vet lool!

The shift patterns on response are usually pretty crappy no matter where you go.
My shift pattern on response is 6 on 4 off. The 6 on being a mixture of different hours. It used to be 12 hours but was changed, the excuse being to suit the beloved olympics.

After the olympics comes a version of Operation Hannah where response teams will be stripped to bare minimum and will answer only 999 and priority calls. The other calls will be answered by the neighbourhood teams.

My advice would be if you're hell bent on joining, don't join for response policing. The morale is horrible at the moment due to poor management and government cuts. Many people are thinking about leaving response, or just simply handing in their warrant card.

The wheels on the wagon are slowly starting to wobble, it won't be long till they fall off.

Response here is 6 on 4 off too. 2 days, 2 lates, 2 nights. I know what you mean by moral, the shenanigans about pursuit driving hasn't helped either.
There is no response here anymore, shift pattern is 6 on 4 off but there is no response/snt split anymore - all SNT and cover both sides of the job!

What force is this? Norfolk?

I've noticed the Fed have started their publicity machine in earnest against Winsor in the last couple of weeks.
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