Is there a delay setting on the camera? Could have been a squirrel running through.
ive had a play with the settings and disabled the left and right pir
Is there a delay setting on the camera? Could have been a squirrel running through.
They're cool. It looks like two Mallards - excellent. Have you named them?
Have you added fish yet?
I have to net my pond all year round as my garden is frequented by foxes, cats hunting in pairs, and herons.
Are you going to do anything to protect them?
The ducks will likely eat all of the frogspawn you get, they do in my Dad's pond.
So might be an idea to try and save some if possible
Anything going on with the pond at the moment? Is it too early in the year?
As you go on, you may find some odd things appearing in the pond, such as new plants and even fish you've never even put in it.
As the wildlife move between water areas you may find they bring both good things but also bad (flukes etc) into your new habitat. One last point - tree leaves may cause a sludge at the bottom, so every 3-5 years you may want to clean the sludge out (pond bomb or mechanical). The decomposing leaf sludge will absorb oxygen.
I would also put in a few barley straw bails (on string/rope) to keep the green algae at bay.
There's a place near Dorking I've been to a couple of times in person but they also mail order:
All they grow is water plants, no fish. Their poly tunnels are chokka with dragonflies too!