Since you still have the card, clearly at the very least they haven't followed their own policies/procedures. I would have thought a correctly worded letter to their complaints dept./head office would get you the standard £50 compensation for Signed For parcels...
Oh FFS. Please read the thread before posting something like this.
So you expect the seller to cough up due to your Aunt's procrastination and you had the cheek to action a Paypal refund. I'm glad it was refused. Take it up with Royal Mail as everyone says FFS.
My aunt didn't know proper procedure and was being given run around by seller. Plus multiple letters back and forth to PO.
So you still haven't read the thread then?
The seller should have given a refund when it was clear that the parcel had been lost by RM, and then claimed from RM themselves, however it looks like they've "won" by dragging it it by being awkward and due to the aunt's naivety.
Just to be clear.. When was it clear to the seller it had been lost?
It was chased up more or less immediately. The seller was contacted and refused to do anything. My aunt, who is in her 50s, then got given the run around by the PO [...]
It's 50 quid after 6 months. It's a 50 quid education for her so move on and be done with it.
Really! How long since it was posted and you are now only just dealing with it?!?!1111!one one
Am I doing it right?
This happened at Christmas and you're dealing with it now? I take it the eBay seller has been cooperating during this time, or don't they know?
Why have you left it for 6 months?
My aunt didn't know proper procedure and was being given run around by seller. Plus multiple letters back and forth to PO.