The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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couple taken over the past week


Too bright outside the window, will try again


no animals were harmed in the taking of these photos
Brands Hatch

Just a Few I took on Saturday at Brands Hatch







Took over 300 so still working through them. All have had levels adjusted and most have been cropped.
couple taken over the past week[img]

no animals were harmed in the taking of these photos[/QUOTE]

How random, I was on Flickr just now and saw a thumbnail of this photo (in the car one). I didn't look at it as I was busy looking for something else but it was funny to then see it here :)
Ok so I have joined the DSLR age. I'd appreciate ways to improve my London night shots on my newD40. I don't have, or will be ever able to carry, a tripod. What do you think folks?

Oh and a kayaking one for a bit of variety. My D40 currently has a bog standard 2gb SDcard. Will getting a SDHC make much difference to the actual quality of my shots? Will it make 'action' shots easier?

~click the photo twice to get a better quality.
How random, I was on Flickr just now and saw a thumbnail of this photo (in the car one). I didn't look at it as I was busy looking for something else but it was funny to then see it here :)

SWEET! Bit spooky :p

settings for the first one ? Ive been planning a night time shot for this but focusing on the mirror

I just used Shutter Prioroty (sp?) and used a varing amount of shutter speeds, just depends on how fast the car is going, if your going slow, around a second is good, but the sweet spot for my was 1/4 of a sec, :D
SWEET! Bit spooky :p

I just used Shutter Prioroty (sp?) and used a varing amount of shutter speeds, just depends on how fast the car is going, if your going slow, around a second is good, but the sweet spot for my was 1/4 of a sec, :D

its just because its daylight surprised it wasn't just a white out :)
WTF? They let you in with a DSLR? Or are they from a compact?

On a compact, they'll let in DSLR's without a 'zoom' lens, they say when the lens extends is a danger, probably damage claims etc.

Why not? Took my DSLR to United's game few times. ;)

Yeah, could easily take it in, wouldn't get as much zoom though.

Really? I don't know, I just thought they wouldn't let you take them in! I guess if I went with a 300mm lens it might be a bit more of an issue :p
Yeah, they don't mind if you aren't 'zooming' in, as the lens will extend and if it hits someone (how unlikely) or it breaks, they don't wanna have to sort that out!

Much easier carrying a compact anyway, thinking about a Bridge to get a bit more zoom, but the compact does it's job :)
is there anything i could do? maybe pull the aperture in a bit?

nope its an absolute bang on shot !!!! just shocked you could do it as i thought all that light while travelling would just become a total over exposed photo nice shot ;) think ill give it a try !
nope its an absolute bang on shot !!!! just shocked you could do it as i thought all that light while travelling would just become a total over exposed photo nice shot ;) think ill give it a try !


I tell you something, it was hard getting the tripod set up in the back!
i bet luckyly ive got a xc90 to mess about with too :)

Lol, i mean this was in a Rav4, so its not exactly small in the back, but it was just getting a way in which i could have both the rear legs out, and the front one resting on the arm rest in between the too seats
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