The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Thanks :) it is a 900 pixel image that you see on my Flickr page, cropped from a 4288x2848 12mp original, so quite a bit, although still a bit of detail in the crop, I may try again with manual focus and different settings etc another day to see if I can do better. Better than the last time I tried it with my s9600 bridge camera at least.
dark and gloomy day in yorkshire today :(

Bought my first 'L' lens yesterday ( EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM ), went out briefly today and got a couple of shots with it. I think i've fallen in love with it :D


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Some nice pictures there Squeezo. Toying with the idea of getting this lens myself so it is nice to see some examples where someone has popped it onto the camera for the first time. Heaven knows what pictures you'll get when you've become comfortable with it :)
Go-Karting a while back


I was thoroughly impressed by my 1.8 50mm lens. Tried taking them with the stock lens but I had to go down to about 1/60, which was way too slow to capture a moving object, so stuck the 50mm on and it was perfect at 1/320 and 400 when the sun shone through. Amazing lens.

And the victor!
I went for a high key look with these, but I didn't get a perfect white background and my monitor calibration is way off, so if you have a decent monitor setup you might see some 'non-white' bits in these:

Nice shot Famas I keep meaning to get in the garden with mine, how did you create the background just Black card?
Cheers :)

I used flash and and fast shutter speed, When shooting like this you dont let enough light in to expose the back ground hence it comes out dark.
It should'nt be showing as complete black though, I can see greens through out. You might need a monitor calibrate?
Cheers :)

I used flash and and fast shutter speed, When shooting like this you dont let enough light in to expose the back ground hence it comes out dark.
It should'nt be showing as complete black though, I can see greens through out. You might need a monitor calibrate?

Looks good from where I'm sitting :)

Shot at 2:1 lifeize, click for a much larger version (1920x1080) :)
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Thanks. :D

It's quite a creepy set of stairs to go down at night here. It was just a pity I didn't have a wider lens to capture a couple of the other levels.
I was in London the Sunday before for CNY. Armed with my D40+Sigma 50-150 f/2.8, I thought I'd try getting some candids. It was absolutely jammed pack and hard to manoueuvre with the kit hanging off my beck but managed to get a few ok ones. Full set here: C&C much welcome. I think I'm gonna try doing a high contrast B&W conversion of the old man.




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