The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Great shots there indeed, I'd never sell my D40, never fails to amazes me the quality of photo you can with the righ lense for such an inexpensive DSLR. :)
Great shots there indeed, I'd never sell my D40, never fails to amazes me the quality of photo you can with the righ lense for such an inexpensive DSLR. :)

Same way i feel about my Canon 1000d, such an inexpensive SLR, but coupled with the right lenses it can produce brilliant shots. I wouldnt say no to a 1d Mark III however :)

one from last night, not as good as what it could have been as at one point the moon just looked huge ! but I'm still happy with it
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Went to Chester Zoo today - think I got some nice ones, hope you like them :)

1) Cheetah

2) Tiger

3) Buffy-Headed Capuchin (very rare in the wild apparently)

4) Baby Chimpanzee

5) Acrobatic Chimpanzee

6) Meerkat (Simples)

few more in my Flickr photostream.
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Thanks guys, I'm pretty pleased about the little Chimp photo - definately a shot that makes people go awwww.

As for the lens most of todays shots were taken with the Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM. Its a really nice lens and capable of some nice sharp shots.
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Number 3 is really nice! The eyes look great :)

Was nice weather in Essex yesterday so I went down to Mersea.. Here's a couple of my shots.







Gave me a chance to try out my 16-105 a bit!
I love that baby chimp Andy90, he is so cute! Great shots.

ghop, some nice shots there, the second to last one in particular is very very nice. Would perhaps have preferred to see it framed with more sky and less ground though, landscapes tend to be more pleasing to the eye if the rule of thirds is applied.

Also you should straighten the horizons on some of them.
Took a trip over to Bushy Park yesterday. This Heron was chilling out on the pond.



Just annoyed that in my haste to capture, I didn't check my ISO... 800 on my a300... Think I've just about got away with it.
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