The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Two from me, taken on recent visit to cornwall


Straighten your horizons mister!

Otherwise a very nice image :)
Squeezo, great shot! What body and lens did you take that with, it's fantastic!

Here's my best effort from the other night, taken with on 5DMark2 with a 70-200 at 200, 100% crop, manual focus on a tripod with a ten second timer, mirror lockup enabled.


I think I need to get a longer lens for this sort of photography!
Thanks Trick. I used my 450d and my recently purchased 'EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 L IS USM'. The full moon and clear sky gave me the perfect opportunity to test the lens out for some moon shots. This was the best of the bunch ( after many failed attempts :D ). I did crop this by a fair amount though. Used the following settings - 1/30sec @ f11, 400mm, ISO 100, and applied a curves adjustment and a little unsharp mask. You can see a bigger version on my flickr page if you're interested -
I keep forgetting to use mirror lock-up with shots like this.. thats another setting i need to drill into my head. One day it will all be second nature - i hope :D
Thanks Trick. I used my 450d and my recently purchased 'EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 L IS USM'. The full moon and clear sky gave me the perfect opportunity to test the lens out for some moon shots. This was the best of the bunch ( after many failed attempts :D ). I did crop this by a fair amount though. Used the following settings - 1/30sec @ f11, 400mm, ISO 100, and applied a curves adjustment and a little unsharp mask. You can see a bigger version on my flickr page if you're interested -
I keep forgetting to use mirror lock-up with shots like this.. thats another setting i need to drill into my head. One day it will all be second nature - i hope :D

Nice one, you've got some class photos on your flickr.
Squeezo, everytime I see one of your photos with the 100-400mm I have to resist clicking a 'buy now' button for the same lens.... damn you stop tempting me :)

And now for something completely different - a Larch, no erm a Snowdrop....



Mah toys have arrived from HK \o/. Cant wait to try some star trail shots with the timer function :cool:.

Thanks. Backlit with a Yongnuo Speedlight YN465, Yongnuo RF-602 Wireless Trigger and Lumiquest Mini Softbox.

Nice, a softbox is something i don't currently have, might try and make one out of paper.

Have you managed to capture any collisions yet?
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