The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Thanks, i used an EF 100-400mm 4.5-5.6L IS USM attached to my 450d. I actually just noticed today that the exif wasnt appearing anymore on my flickr photo's. Found the reason for this was that i have recently started using the 'save for web' option in photoshop so i could save my images to jpeg with an sRGB colour profile and had forgotten to change the metadata option from 'none' to 'all' (i'm presuming this is the fix i'm looking for, as i havent uploaded any photos to flickr since discovering this). And the reason i wanted to use sRGB was i had noticed that my photo's were looking less saturated on flickr compared to the originals and after some googling i read about the whole 'sRGB/save for web' stuff. Its never straight-forward in this photography game :mad: :D

I have this same problem with the saturation; I currently choose sRGB from the colour profiles in PS before I save. I did not think saving for web made any further difference?
Great shots Andy90 and Martin. Andy90, what kit did you use for that?

Steve M, like the first composition but I feel the colours are oversaturated, and if HDR, it's a bit much, esp the blue.

The Snowdrop picture?

Canon 50D plus the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro lens (the non L one).

Took a snowdrop - selotaped it to a Bamboo cane (so I didn't have to bend down and end up with a bad back or knees!) and then adjusted it to a reasonable height. Luckily in our garden we have a large dark privet hedge down one side, so that served as the dark backdrop - then it was a simple case of moving the tripod and camera around until the flower was backlit. Mirror was locked up and used a remote release to reduce camera shake.

Next picture....

Snowdon reflected in Llyn y Dywarchen

I have this same problem with the saturation; I currently choose sRGB from the colour profiles in PS before I save. I did not think saving for web made any further difference?

The 'save for web' option was just the first fix i found when googling for the saturation problem, i didnt realize there was another way to do it. Must look into that. Thanks for the tip Martin :)

Messing about with layer masks in CS3 :D. She wasn't happy about me sliding her about while she was trying to sleep lol.
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Just getting into this photography lark again. :p

Got myself a 550D w/ kit lens, Tamron 70-300mm lens, small bag an 8gb SD card as a bundle from a well known high street camera shop the other week for a nice price with a good discount to boot.

I took it to work earlier on in the week and pretty much set it to sport and snapped away. :p




I know they are not brilliant :p It was quite dull weather too, But I'm aiming to improve throughout the year and maybe get a new/better lens later on when I can afford one.

Does anybody have any tips on shooting aircraft?


First attempt at this, been meaning to do some for ages just never had time, C&C welcome

ps i have no idea what the green is :confused: looks like the northern lights lol
I'd like some feedback on this one please. Just started experimenting taking HDR shots with my new camera. I'm aware this doesn't look natural but does it look stupid and over the top?

Nice shot. I tried to get one like this the other day and was told by the traffic wombles (read: highway patrol) that I need permission to film off of a bridge! WTF!

thats weird, i had 3 cop cars drive past me and they didnt batter an eye lid, i guess its different for each county i guess, some been more lax than others.

am still not sure what the green fog/mist type thing is if any one has an idea :confused:
my favourite shot from a shoot with a friend at an abanodoned factory, was some creepy stuff there! the rusty wall behind that opening was a small part of some massive furnace type thing.
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