The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Great shots Andy90 and Martin. Andy90, what kit did you use for that?

Steve M, like the first composition but I feel the colours are oversaturated, and if HDR, it's a bit much, esp the blue.
Thanks! I'd popped up there for some general landscape shots, and was blown away to see about fifteen paragliders. Fantastic stuff, I want a go!
Right, I'm a right noob, so this is a Nikon D3000 with kit lens. My redsnapper tripod turned up yesterday so popped out to try it out, took half a dozen shots as I'm learning. This is my favourite, I think I know what's right and wrong with it, but I'll show you chaps anyway :)

Nice, that's on my list of "shots I must get" along with water collisions and birds in flight.

I'm off into town, originally with the intention of scooping a nifty but I think I'll have to add a tripod to the list... :D
Yeah I also keep meaning to get a shot like this, just never get round to it.

It looks good DailyGeek, but i think its better to find a stretch of unlit motorway so that the light trails stand out more.
Sigh, no such luck in town for a fifty or a tripod. Well unless I wanted to pay £120 for a 1.8 50mm, or £150 for an entry level tripod. I hate high street shopping. Any recommendations for Internet based photographic supplies chaps?
Sigh, no such luck in town for a fifty or a tripod. Well unless I wanted to pay £120 for a 1.8 50mm, or £150 for an entry level tripod. I hate high street shopping. Any recommendations for Internet based photographic supplies chaps?

If you're after a budget but decent tripod then the Redsnapper range seem to be the best bet. Had mine over a year now and i cant knock it, great bit of kit and cheap for what you get.

As for lenses, the cheapest place tends to be Onestop Digital. Its based in Hong Kong though, but Ive never heard anything but positive comments regarding their service.
I used ffordes for 2nd hand equipment, prices seem competitive and they have a decent range in, also used Clifton Cameras for my 35mm f1.8.

Have a look at camerapricebuster as thats quite a useful tool (geared towards Canon though).

Lovely shot although probably needs a bit of fill light to bring the person out.

They were doing this in Val-d'Isere when I was there last year, it was great to watch them all going off the mountain next to us when we were waiting at the top for ski lifts, I'd love to do it, just the start looks a bit precarious (I wouldn't trust the parachute to snag on something taking off).
The conclusion to my waterdrop in a bubble series. I placed my wedding ring on a mirror and made bubbles on top using a straw (much easier than it sounds). Having the bubble on top of an object means it does not move around which makes composition that much easier. I experimented a bit more with the placement of lighting this time round ; this was sidelit to the right. Water drops were dispensed from a pipette and captured at 1/200. The rest is luck with timing. Am very pleased as this is straight from camera bar a sharpen and saturation boost. Seriously, this is great fun, give it a go!




Nice shot, beats my one I posted, what lens were you using as your flickr page doesn't have any EXIF data on it :)

Thanks, i used an EF 100-400mm 4.5-5.6L IS USM attached to my 450d. I actually just noticed today that the exif wasnt appearing anymore on my flickr photo's. Found the reason for this was that i have recently started using the 'save for web' option in photoshop so i could save my images to jpeg with an sRGB colour profile and had forgotten to change the metadata option from 'none' to 'all' (i'm presuming this is the fix i'm looking for, as i havent uploaded any photos to flickr since discovering this). And the reason i wanted to use sRGB was i had noticed that my photo's were looking less saturated on flickr compared to the originals and after some googling i read about the whole 'sRGB/save for web' stuff. Its never straight-forward in this photography game :mad: :D
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