The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Awesome shots Martin. Did you use a ND filter to take these? and if so, is that what makes the water look so calm and reflect the pier?
Starting to get to grips with the 24L. Hilariously non-existent dof at short focal distances.



tried a bit of macro last nite with efs60mm on 40d. I found this little spider in the garden it was good fun as he just kept on runnin off


it makes a good desktop


and this one a merge of 3 shots
2 from today, was a client venue visit for a Wedding in a few weeks.



Canon 40D
Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L -> :D

Detail on the large versions at 100% crop is awesome! Me wants!
Awesome shots Martin. Ive just bought some Lee grad ND filters, I was out this evening giving them a test. I was scouting for places in Wales to go for shots, and you've inspired me to go there.


My first outing with my new "budget" telephoto, a Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS

I'm quite pleased with the sharpness of this lens.

Couple from the rugby today. Charity match in aid of Help for Heroes:

I didn't take the 1.4x TC, I wont be making that mistake again!
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Couple from the rugby today. Charity match in aid of Help for Heroes:

I didn't take the 1.4x TC, I wont be making that mistake again!

They look great and the processing is almost spot on contrast looks great, colours are balanced perfectly. :D

A tip: when you shoot in harsh direct sunlight try moving the WB adjustment to about +2 magenta on the sunny days it'll stop you getting green jpegs in the shadows on the players - doesn't apply in this case but it might be useful next time. ;)

The shots on here are quite tightly framed and look close and action packed. But some of the others on you flickr could do with being a bit tighter (possibly because you left the 1.4x at home I'd guess :rolleyes:), remember shoot tight, crop tighter and don't crop over joints, heads or feet. Also, look for the expressions - they are the most important part IMO. (You probably already know most of this but it might help others shooting sports too. ;))

Oh and don't be afraid of a bit more USM after you resize it to bring out any flying dirt - I find that adds to the shot and shows speed and movement.

Great photos. I'm sure whoever they get passed onto will like them!! :)
Cheers, some aren't cropped as tight as they should be because of the players in the background. Everyone wants to be in a pic! I forgot the pitch had railings around the outside so didn't take the 1.4x! I could've gone pitchside but it was also a social event.

I only used Lightroom 3 beta to upload\resize to Flickr. It was a quick upload so people had something to look at last night. Standard sharpening is selected I think. Cheers for the tip on WB, I always shoot RAW so would this apply? I really need to read up on advanced settings for stuff like this :) The pics do look a lot softer on my laptop than the PC (which is on a 40" 1920x1080 LCD).
If your working to a deadline (which you sort of were) then shoot jpegs with a manually set WB. Set the camera to Adobe RGB and add a touch of saturation in camera. Then when you get them into lightroom, copyright, tag, keyword, despcription, crop the shots. ;)

Open them in photoshop, levels, save the TIFF to lightroom. Then resize to 800px longest edge (still in Ps) apply your USM (150,0.3,0 on a sunny day), file>save for web>Quality 50-75. :cool:

That wokrs although you only usually deliver 6-12 shots like that (usually at 1800px wide) - so your workflow is probably ideal for exporting the hundred odd you did. But jpeg is great for field sports shots sooo much faster to work with. For everything else RAW is the daddy :p.

But for sports where the shot should'nt be fiddled with too much and the pro-bodies the SOOC jpegs are so good, you just concentrate on the keywords, resizing and captions. Many use Ps from start to finish but I like lightroom and photoshop together becuase I can set-up copyright and captioning levels etc. etc. but I suppose considering the sheer number of shots, lightroom the whole way through was probably a good idea.

You look like you gave the camera AF a good workout on the rugby pitch - looks like it did perfectly to me. ;)
Cheers for all that, much appreciated!

It certainly had a good work out, it's a cracking piece of kit. I'm so happy that I made the change from the 7D!
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