The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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No artistic value, just check out the pervy 50D owner :eek:

No, I didn't attend, I just walked around the convention centre to escape my conference.
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Shame you didn't go in, bet there would've been some excellent photo opportunities!

Got a fair few just wandering the streets when I could escape work, just not a kind of photography I find much satisfaction in. I was looking for the surreal juxtaposition of superheroes doing mundane tasks, but mostly failed. Here's batman at a busstop, I couldn't convince him to look dishevelled :(

Did you see Summer Glau? I think she was there :D.

Nah, I did look into last-minute tickets as it did look quite fun, but I think they were all long gone and had to be bought in advance. SD was teeming, can see why they might move it next year.
I am trying something different, this doesn't "work" i know, something missing.

oh, btw, i am just playing with processing, just happens to be a door lol
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I really love this place, took a tonne of pictures and all came out great. Unfortuantly after an earlier event at the british museum in which a security guard told me off for using a tripod meant that I was a lot less brave here. But I still found a decent place to rest my camera on.

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