The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Fusion, I like the shots of Chatsworth house, particularly the one of the lights on the wall for some reason? May be worth some further processing to get a nice effect on that one!!
My only critique is I see in the first one you were shooting at f/3.5 which is why the detail behind the staircase is lost and blurred, maybe this is the effect you wanted but personally i would have wanted it all in focus?

Thanks for the comments. Unfortunately photographers aren't allowed to take tripods inside the house, so my shots were all taken hand held. I had to use the maximum ISO setting (1600) on my camera (1000D) and largest aperture to let the most light in possible in order to obtain a shutter speed that would give a sharp image (1/20s of a second in this case for a shot taken at 18mm).

I would have loved to have used my tripod and get a set of lovely HDRs all at f/8 but was forbidden to :(
ElDude - I love that photo! I was just thinking to myself before checking back on this thread if anyone would use the recent foggy weather to their advantage and thinking of ideas on what I could shoot. I really like that scene, maybe a tighter crop to lose the black down the right and some of the path at the bottom to make the streetlight the focal point even more so? Just an idea?

Thanks :) I didn't expect many to like this, but I've had quite a bit of positive feedback, which wasn't expected but appreciated non the less :) The shot is actually cropped, removing a fence on the left and I forget if I cropped the bottom or top now, but there was a lot of dead space. I deliberately kept the dark on the right for a more unsettling feel to the shot as I felt it didn't work with just the light area in the centre. It was also VERY grainy as I was shooting at ISO1600. I'm a noob pretty much, and I have a hell of a time trying to take photos in the fog!
Thanks for the comments. Unfortunately photographers aren't allowed to take tripods inside the house, so my shots were all taken hand held. I had to use the maximum ISO setting (1600) on my camera (1000D) and largest aperture to let the most light in possible in order to obtain a shutter speed that would give a sharp image (1/20s of a second in this case for a shot taken at 18mm).

I would have loved to have used my tripod and get a set of lovely HDRs all at f/8 but was forbidden to :(

Yeah its the large apeture thats caused it to be out of focus, something like f8 should still be ok indoors with that ISO!! Gotta say they look good for such a high ISO!! Never really done a noise test with my 1000D through the ISO range.
I'll do a few more to get the process locked in my mind and have already linked to the blog post via my FB page

Ah-ha, thats where all the facebook traffic is coming from :)

glad you like the tutorial, I think the second image you posted works really well with it.
Took while waiting for a low level aircraft to arrive, looking towards Grasmere in the lakes.

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^^^^ wow. That is gorgeous.

Here's a couple I took at yesterday's Park Run in Pollok park, Glasgow:

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Hi all,

My first post in this forum, i'm wanting to learn a bit so comments more than welcome.

This is my first go at this sort of picture, at the moment i'm only using a Fuji s8000fd but i'm keen to learn and move to a dslr soon.

DSCF1299edit by j.fordham83, on Flickr
i'm only using a Fuji s8000fd but i'm keen to learn and move to a dslr soon.

That's the camera i used before upgrading to a DSLR. It really helped me learn a lot when playing around with the manual settings plus that large focal range in such a small package was very handy indeed. It has now been passed on to my 11 yr old daughter who takes it everywhere with her in her little slingshot 100 bag :D

Nice shot btw, the starburst on the streetlight is pretty cool.

EDIT: I added you as a contact on flickr btw
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