The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Nice BWs fluffmct!

Here's a fridge portrait :D


Your not doing that group on flickR are you?
P1010459 is a really nice shot. I can't think of the last time I saw that look on a photo (well actually that's a fib, I saw it on a photo on flickr today that was taken a couple of years ago!) that actually worked well.

This reminds me of a film short that used to be shown in the cinema on Saturday mornings, in the 70s, about a nuclear scare.

Not that you care, but some kids come back to their town and there's no one around, and all the houses were empty :D

Ta very much. As i was playing around with it in Lightroom i did think the sky looked...nuclear!
I have some new photographs of West Park Asylum from today's round 2 (final) of the site.

Some choice picks:








(Painting the floor with the torch light)


(The dark bits are exactly how it is in those tunnels, imagine breaking your torch down there!)

Your not doing that group on flickR are you?

Never knew about that! Do now though thanks :D
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I have some new photographs of West Park Asylum from today's round 2 (final) of the site.

Some choice picks:



These are some great photos :)

I plan to photograph an abandoned lunatic asylum at some point this year to build my portfolio, is it easy to get to and into this one? I live in Cambridge so I would have to get a train to get to whichever I go to.

Cheers :)
I never quite got street portraits - do you know these people or are they random Joes off the street??

Randomers mostly but I've taken a few friends too, the first couple of times I did it it made it a bit easier when I knew the person. It's good fun, challenging trying to capture someone's personality (or first impressions a lot of the time) within a few minutes.

I'd recommend it to anyone who has never tried it
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