The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Try it, I want to see!



And one of my uncle, he wanted a cool pic for his Google+ Profile. I think the fact that he uses Google+ is even cooler :p


You guessed it, f/2 ;)
Its really good fun, stuck it on the garden table with a 30 second exposure and ran around the garden with a light.

The neighbours probably thought I had gone mad.
What body? I remember my 2.8 IS on the 40D

Comical balance was comical :p

Worse, much worse- 1000D :) Not even comical balance- nonexistent balance...

Getting a decent f2.8 wide zoom next, then want to go full frame. Torn between a 5dII and a 1dsII..... Head says 1ds, forearms say 5d.
Been having a lot of fun with the 70-200. Headed up to London on Saturday evening for a date, missed the light but was surprised what I could get away with thanks to a half decent aperture. Really loving this lens!

(Oh, and the date went well too :) )

IMG_0657 by cgrieves, on Flickr

IMG_0659 by cgrieves, on Flickr

IMG_0666 by cgrieves, on Flickr

IMG_0717 by cgrieves, on Flickr

IMG_0681v2 by cgrieves, on Flickr

IMG_0739 by cgrieves, on Flickr

IMG_0750 by cgrieves, on Flickr

IMG_0723 by cgrieves, on Flickr
Have been doing photography for a local bar/club for the past few months and they asked me to start taking pictures of live gigs :D Finally being paid for my photography is quite nice and seeing some of my favourite bands and taking pics of them is also not toooo bad either :D

Anyway here are a fewfrom my first gig I done yesterday, these were shot at Rescue Rooms in Nottingham if anyone is wondering!

_MG_4954 by Owen Parker, Notts/Colchester, on Flickr

_MG_4950 by Owen Parker, Notts/Colchester, on Flickr

_MG_4847 by Owen Parker, Notts/Colchester, on Flickr
It was just a little LED light I had :)

Did some more with it...


wow this looks great! How is this effect achieved without seeing the person holding the torch? I'm a novice but this looks like a lot of fun to give a go. I understand it must have been a long exposure but can you give me a bit more detail?
wow this looks great! How is this effect achieved without seeing the person holding the torch? I'm a novice but this looks like a lot of fun to give a go. I understand it must have been a long exposure but can you give me a bit more detail?

He mentioned it was a 30s exposure, so I'm assuming he also used a low ISO and maybe a small aperture to make sure it didn't come out too bright (the light pollution will have been the longest persistent light source so could've come out really bright). Because it was dark and using low sensitivity settings the sensor wouldn't "see" him for the short periods of time he was there, but the bright light will have been picked up, giving the light trails.

This is can also be used to add light to foregrounds in night landscape shots by sweeping a light across an area during a long exposure.
thx for the tips. I see what you mean about the persistent light sources on a very long exposure. The brightness of the background kinda threw me off, the area must have been a lot darker than what i assumed it was based on the picture.
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