The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Couple of my recent shots from a walk around before one of my night shifts, Just trying a few techniques including gross saturation and some hdr mixed in, tell me what you think, only way to improve but next on my list is a 50mm fixed prime or should i get a wide angle ;-) too many choices.

Love shooting here with a portrait lens, just waiting to get the right shot, luckily the book market is open every day.

Wanted to get a shot of this for a while but was unsure of the angle, going to attack it again soon!

The pub where my wife and I met for our first ever date, holds a lot of sentimental value to me and we love sitting here during the summer.

HDR Shot of my fave spot in london at the moment, so many angles to shoot.

I know there is a bit of noise in the picture but thats the cost of bumping the saturation up. I like the overall effect and I am happy to sacrifice a bit of noise for the lovely colour.
I've done those walks a million times. I've never been bothered to take those shots of the Anchor or the Globe. I guess this was a mistake :)

Nice work. I like the street shot under the bridge too.

Here's my London Bridge set. Maybe I'll see you around.
wow this looks great! How is this effect achieved without seeing the person holding the torch? I'm a novice but this looks like a lot of fun to give a go. I understand it must have been a long exposure but can you give me a bit more detail?

My garden is really dark at night so this helps a lot. It was a 25 second exposure, ISO 100 but a F3.5. Which explains why the garden looks quite bright as the wide aperture has allowed more light in. I would have been better with a smaller aperture as if you look closely by the shed you can just see me :) Im wearing a white t shirt with strips on it ;) Im a novice when it comes to this too so I may be wrong on the f value
Just bought myself a Samsung NX11 my first real camera. Really happy with the results so far but this is favourite two pictures.



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Couple of my recent shots from a walk around before one of my night shifts, Just trying a few techniques including gross saturation and some hdr mixed in, tell me what you think, only way to improve but next on my list is a 50mm fixed prime or should i get a wide angle ;-) too many choices.

Love shooting here with a portrait lens, just waiting to get the right shot, luckily the book market is open every day.

Gorgeous shots, I like them a lot. Also my favourite place for photography, in all seasons!

What lens(es) did you use, if you don't mind?
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