The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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I borrowed the lens off my dad. Seem to be ok when I took photos indoors. Maybe a setting I need to change. Reckon I could tweak them in Lightroom?

It's the white balance - it looks like it was set for tungsten which explains why it looked good indoors. Did you shoot in RAW? Hopefully you did, and if so it's an easy fix.
You could salvage it fairly easy, just not quite as good as with RAW. There are still tools for fixing white balance in jpegs, but I've never used Lightroom so probably just google it.

They also look underexposed a little (on my uncalibrated monitor), so bump up the exposure a little. :)
A little better... but still need work. It's still cool, but now seems to have a slight purple cast on my screen. I'd have a quick go, but I'm booted into Linux at the moment. :D
If you have a choice, use the cloudy or shade WB setting. Best to do set the temperature manually if you can - dunno if they'll let you do that on jpeg shots.
GF purchased a D3100 so had to take it out to test it. Conditions were challenging on the weekend (very hot, very sunny for this time of year) and a low sun so big harsh shadows and bright sunlight. It managed quite well although it over-exposes by a stop pretty much all the time, like the D40 used to.

Apologies for the watermark, just installed Lightroom and it auto created (and is on by default apparently) from my personal info stored on the mac. Had no idea at the time of uploading.

Keeping_Watch by Alpherah, on Flickr


Chillin' in the sun by Alpherah, on Flickr


Food time! by Alpherah, on Flickr


Lioness by Alpherah, on Flickr

(From the panorama thread, not a very impressive panorama but i only had my telephoto so to fit the entire castle in i had to stitch 4 images)

Dudley Castle by Alpherah, on Flickr
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Last go for the night -
IMG_0014 by Tim Sawrey, on Flickr
IMG_0065 by Tim Sawrey, on Flickr

and I just couldn't stop this from looking purple so I tried black & white instead.
IMG_0066 by Tim Sawrey, on Flickr
They look much better looking on my phone. You'll have to wait for me to get home if you need me to say more.

You know you can desaturate each colour in Lightroom. Try turning down the purple slider and seeing what it does. The good thing about Lightroom is that you can always undo whatever mess you make in it :)
I like the "1,2,3" one and the flyer ones but this one is just bizarre. What were you trying to do?
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