The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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A few from a run called 'The Grizzly', which is a 20 mile slog through some nasty terrain.

ocukw-0 (1).jpg

ocukw-0 (2).jpg

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Here's one I decided to re-process. I've been working on my B&W conversions, and playing around with dodging and burning in portraits, so I tried to combine those tools on this cat's face. The colour popping is a bit clichéd I know, but I think it works here.

^ I would agree, that one does work. The selective colour really annoys me the most when people keep colour on the bits in the photo that aren't supposed to be the subject of the photo (e.g. for an extreme example a shot of someone in the street and a random woman walking past would be in colour).
The last time I took photo's at a 'closed' forecourt, 6 guys decided to come out from the back of the supermarket to inform me that my camera would cause sparks and ignite fuel vapour.

I lol'd, said cheers and left.

Actually they take any electronic device quite seriously, watch 'em go nuts if you answer the phone whilst filling up :D
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