The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Details (from memory):
* 670mm f/6.38, the focus is out because I was DSOing at the time.
* single 3 second exposure (specialist cooled CCD camera for AP)
* 3362 x 2504 pixels, mono 16bit per pixel

moon by Nick and Sandrine, on Flickr

Now this one is not pretty but it will be interesting once I have my RGB balance sorted..
* separate red, green and blue filter images, each colour being a mono 16bit/pixel image.. so the RGB colour depth is 16+16+16 :D
* 670mm fl IIRC but I can't remember if this was my smaller titan camera (I think it is - in that case each image is 659x495)

moon_colnormandwavelets by Nick and Sandrine, on Flickr
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670mm :O

Mother of god, I'm guessing thats a scope of some kind then? not a proper lens per se?

Longest I've got is a Sigma 28-300mm F6.3 which on my crop D200 gives around 450mm, but it's absolutely gash in zero to very low light, So i usually go for my 80-200mm 2.8 which in turn gives about 300mm. I do usually go for the tripod too tbh, That shot above was just a random kinda 'lets see if it wants to work again' lol
not a proper lens per se?

Yup an old scope but a full on apochromatic with built in field flattener.. not a proper lens pfft! :p :D

I have a powermate (a 2x teleconverter if you will).. 1340mm is possible and using in daylight is interesting - I should try photographing the leaves on the trees on the horizon.. sheep are too big.
Jesus, Sheep are too big haha Obviously best suited for Astro-photography then i would imagine. I'd love some proper equipment to do it properly but ouch pockets just aren't deep enough lol
Interested to hear some thoughts and feedback, they were all taken with the 50mm f1.8 on a 600D. The initial thing that jumps out to me is that the 'in focus' pepsi can seems a little soft?

The can in the foreground looks a little soft as it was taken wide open (f1.8), which won't be the sweet spot in terms of sharpness for your lens, but obviously will give you a very shallow depth of field.
Got a flashgun for Christmas. Looking forward to using it.

Look at your dog, even he doesn't like the constant incorrect spelling of lens...

Lens = one lens

Lenses = Plural = more than one lens

Lense = nonsense or Slang = the way a northerner asks for money he has no intention of paying back = Lense a fiver!! :)
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