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The Radeon VII Owners Thread

What do you guys think about the Asrock 7? I don't wanna wait for the Shappires to be back in stock, that's gonna happen only after my holidays, and then well, time, work, etc. So I'm thinking in paying the extra cash to get the Asrock one. Any thoughts?
What do you guys think about the Asrock 7? I don't wanna wait for the Shappires to be back in stock, that's gonna happen only after my holidays, and then well, time, work, etc. So I'm thinking in paying the extra cash to get the Asrock one. Any thoughts?
If you're OK in paying the extra £49, on paper it should come with the uefi bios on so saves that job.

No issues for me on this:

I did however see the effect that is causing your black boxes. When you load in the hud has this like black cool overlay type crawly effect thing. Is pretty cool. On yours it is just appearing as a load of black boxes. You can see what it should look like below, and it kinda crawls off of the screen, if you were digital this is what I imagine waking up to look like :)

I streamed a quick video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/380119859
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The only thing asrock about it is the 3 stickers on the fans, I told ocuk with my rma that I would accept any of the cards in stock as a replacement
If that is the case is fine, if they let me pay the extra to get a Asrock one, I will take it.


All done and changed! Going to be receiving it on Sunday!
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No issues for me on this:

I did however see the effect that is causing your black boxes. When you load in the hud has this like black cool overlay type crawly effect thing. Is pretty cool. On yours it is just appearing as a load of black boxes. You can see what it should look like below, and it kinda crawls off of the screen, if you were digital this is what I imagine waking up to look like :)

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The black hud line things that come from the left horn on the flag are lines with steps for you right?
No one else has those my friend that's what I was talking about in my post earlier, the people I was playing with didn't have a clue what I was talking about when I was explaining them
The black hud line things that come from the left horn on the flag are lines with steps for you right?
No one else has those my friend that's what I was talking about in my post earlier, the people I was playing with didn't have a clue what I was talking about when I was explaining them

If I turn down the settings they do go away. I have everything cranked to the max! I have done a little vid as well and added it to the bottom of that post. On mine they are there until you move then they go. Have a look at the video and you will see. In my eyes they look like they should be there or are some graphics setting. I might stick vega back in and see!

The other thing I question... after that room they go! I dunno man, im going to stick a vega in and have a look. My bet is that they are meant to be there or are a setting of some description. I could well be wrong.
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Interesting - voltage set to 960mV, mem to 1150, max speed at default (1802) and +20% power set. Played Wolfenstein II for a bit and saw these max figures. :)
All packed and send to OCUK with RMA and a nice little note to them explaining it all.

Now Just to deal with the wait with a NVidia card polluting and poisoning my lovely AMD system until the replacement arrives :mad:
I feel like we are the same person in different continents. I sent mine to Newegg in the US with a note explaining everything I did as well.
I might look to return my Sapphire too.

Ive had quite a few black screen crashes and anytime I run time spy or firestrike replicates a guaranteed crash.

I've already RMA'd my sapphire asking for a replacement of any available Reference design.

If you still have your card, have you tried the latest 19.2.2 Adrenaline drivers?
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