I have asked this before to no avail but how can Green buy assets reputedly worth up to £115 million for only £5.5? Surely this is why HMRC want to appoint their own liquidator? To get the best price possible and to have a clearly independant investigation into the whole sorry mess.
Well, that and the fact they clearly don't trust DnP as far as they can throw them.
Also, wasn't Whyte charging vat and paye while he was in charge and not passing it on to HMRC? Sounds like clear cut fraud to me. Where did those millions go? A secret account in Monaco???
HMRC want to go after Murray/Whyte and apparently the CVA wouldn't allow them to do that so it didn't matter how much was offered. The HMRC liquidator will allow further investigation into the fraud going on, which suggests to me HMRC have won the big tax case.
It's all pointing towards criminal prosecutions once everyone gets their acts together.