The Rangers Saga and Fallout Thread

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I dont think you will find many football fans in Scotland who dont like and respect Ally, other than his call to arms to name the SFA panel, which is pretty much the only blot on his copybook.
That would be a sad day for everyone - McCoist is one of the few remaining decent blokes in football - always admired him as a player and a servant to Scottish football.

If whats being reported is true and Green was planning on ousting him I cannot blame McCoist for leaving. I do say IF as I heard McCoist ejected a Record reporter who had tried to sneak into a staff only meeting at Ibrox yesterday and now this story appears.
Indeed - a dodgy story given what you say

That newspaper editor needs shot for stirring the **** if the story is fake

If whats being reported is true and Green was planning on ousting him I cannot blame McCoist for leaving. I do say IF as I heard McCoist ejected a Record reporter who had tried to sneak into a staff only meeting at Ibrox yesterday and now this story appears.
Indeed - a dodgy story given what you say

That newspaper editor needs shot for stirring the **** if the story is fake

Tweets from a Sky reporter saying McCoists has alreday left. Green supposed to be on SSN shortly. Major **** up by Green if this is the case.
Hardly surprised at that. Of course with a secret ballot they can say they didnt vote for us and still vote for us.

Im pretty sure the result of this will come out.

Going by the story you linked to, it's hardly "walking away" is it ? I'm sure most would have left months ago.

Oh I dont blame him, i think its just unfortunate that Rangers adopted that catchphrase, so its an easy joke any time someone leaves.

I didnt think he was up to the job, I mean, if Lennon could get the better of him then its not saying much. Lovely guy, rubbish manager.
Im pretty sure the result of this will come out.

Oh I dont blame him, i think its just unfortunate that Rangers adopted that catchphrase, so its an easy joke any time someone leaves.

I didnt think he was up to the job, I mean, if Lennon could get the better of him then its not saying much. Lovely guy, rubbish manager.

Err Head to head it was 2 wins 2 losses hardly got the better of him. Yes Celtic won the league but this was massively helped with our off field situation.

However I wasnt a fan of some of his tactics but he was a true leader. I doubt very much Lennon would have been as dignified as McCoist through all this, in fact Lennon cant even act with dignity when he isnt in our situation.
I reckon Mccoist was the glue holding the team together. Dosent help, Green saying players HAVE to transfer to the newco when the PFA rep says all contracts are null and void which I would have thought would be the case for all contracts, players, suppliers and other staff? Dont see how current contracts could be afforded anyway. The rest of them will probably be off soon.
I reckon Mccoist was the glue holding the team together. Dosent help, Green saying players HAVE to transfer to the newco when the PFA rep says all contracts are null and void which I would have thought would be the case for all contracts, players, suppliers and other staff? Dont see how current contracts could be afforded anyway. The rest of them will probably be off soon.

I think both were wrong. PLayers could transfer over they didnt have to. also contracts are not null and void unless the players want them to be. So both were inaccurate.
Rangers PLC has had its CVA rejected. Sevco will rename to The Ranges Football Club in coming days.

Assets will be sold to Sevoc later today or tomorrow at latest.
BBC reporting on Twitter that administration due to last another six to 10 weeks. Would that mean they'll face the new SPL punishments for administration or, since they're still in admin, only another 10 point penalty? Assuming they're still in the SPL of course.
BBC reporting on Twitter that administration due to last another six to 10 weeks. Would that mean they'll face the new SPL punishments for administration or, since they're still in admin, only another 10 point penalty? Assuming they're still in the SPL of course.

Wouldnt think so because the new company wont be in adminstration who will hold the licence.
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