Just think how many hospitals it could have been spent on....
So 35 out of 118 loans were deemed to be taxable? Bugger for those employees who got those wrongly worded letters.
Either way, it matters not. Oldco are dead. It has been proven they acted without integrity. Legal or not, the "loans" were merely enticements to play for old Rangers, salaried or not.
It is safe to say we can continue to call them cheats
Nope you cannot as nothing has yet been proven we await the judgement on dual contracts. (Even that isn't really cheating it's a paperwork exercise which doesn't change the fact Rangers won these titles on the park. The players were registered with the SFA.) The only shame in this saga is HMRC spending 3 million chasing 2 million in tax while stating that Rangers owed 75 million putting off potential bidders. Rangers worked within all the rules remember EBT's were LEGAL and Rangers use of them has also been deemed legal. Also the company that sold Rangers football club to Mr Green during administration is not yet formally wound up so is not yet dead.
You can call Rangers what you want Jamesy and no doubt you do but legally they did not cheat.
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