In which case they will be back in court for dishing out a punishment that they have already admitted is "too severe" for the 'crime'.
FIFA statutes say that each association has a clear path for appeals reaching the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The SFA's statute deems their own appeals panel as FINAL (their wording). Therefore the CAS has no jurisdiction, which is blatantly at odds with FIFA.
Rangers had no other choice but to take the case to a civil court, other than to accept an unlawful punishment - which any right minded person would surely admit is not fair.
Put it this way, as an individual, say you were caught speeding and the judge gave you life in prison, despite it not being 1 of the available punishments, would you appeal it on those grounds? I think everybody knows the answer.
I think that's why FIFA haven't said anything yet due to the SFA's lack of appeal process (i.e. they screwed up). It's also Rangers' main defence in this though increasingly the statements from other SPL chairmen and SFA are losing patience with them. With everything else going on that's why I see them having to punish the club to restore any authority left otherwise FIFA will push for the UK FA agenda.
The whole saga has shown the SPL and SFA rules aren't fit for purpose and they just seem to be making it up now to save face and jobs.