Again we have someone splitting hairs.
Rangers will not be a newco in that sense they were around since 1872.
They won't be
formally liquidated thus demotion to div 3 would be a possibility, they won't lose their licence to play.
I'm not a legal expert and I'm only stating what I've read on various sites.
They have over 100 years of accounts to show... again the problem with club and company.
In my opinion it would be very short sighted of HMRC NOT to accept a CVA considering the potential income in future years.
Still there are some that say that HMRC don't have any guidelines on this matter and are free to do as they please. I would harbour a guess that one of the most regulated civil services in the UK is HMRC where there would be little freedom.
I would hope that HMRC acts responsibly to
a) get the best result for the taxpayer
b) look to potential future income from the company in administration
taking these two points into account there can only be one answer.
Accept a CVA. Get some cash now and have income generated in the future.